Stormi Steele Considered Suing LaTisha Scott + Puts Marsau Scott on Blast

Photo Credit: OWN/YouTube

LaTisha Scott and Stormi Steele have been clashing on LAMH.

Love & Marriage: Huntsville” stars Stormi Steele and LaTisha Scott aren’t on the best terms during the current season. LaTisha didn’t care for Stormi saying Marsau Scott was acting like a ***** towards her and other women on the show. However, the ladies had their own problems with each other as well. Stormi didn’t buy LaTisha’s excuse for Canvas Beauty’s return policy being on the website she had created for her children’s hair products. LaTisha blamed this on the website designer. But Stormi still felt violated. She thinks LaTisha was caught red-handed copying from her business. Regardless, LaTisha has denied this. And she didn’t see the need to apologize to Stormi.

Well, Stormi had some interesting words for LaTisha when she chatted with “Belle Collective” star Latrice Rogers on Carlos King’s YouTube channel.

At one point during the conversation, Stormi said she considered suing LaTisha.

“Cause I called my attorney. I was like you see this? I could sue for that. I was like I could sue for this. He was like you definitely can because a lot of people try to downplay that situation, well a lot of people don’t try to downplay it. If they **** with her, they try to downplay it. But the truth of the matter is my email address was on her website. So there were people reaching out to my company. There were people making videos saying we was in business together. There was a lot of things that tarnished my brand and brought me duress. So I literally was like okay I’ma sue the *****.”

She continued, “But then I talked to her and she seemed apologetic over the phone cause I was like this is becoming a thing. I just want to know how it happened. What’s going on? And she was real cool about it. But then we get on camera, and it’s like, ‘I’m not apologizing. Girl, for what? *****.’ Cause she called me a ******. I ain’t have **** to say. It’s not that deep. But it was like is this ************ trying to play in my face right now? What we doing? Cause I know we ain’t doing that.”

The gloves are officially off amid Stormi Steele and LaTisha Scott’s feud.

Stormi said her business policy was also on LaTisha’s website verbatim, “It was like the shipping policy, word from word. But the problem of it is my company email address was on her website.”

She clarified that she designed her own website.

“What even frustrates me more is every time it’s talked about it’s like, ‘Oh the same designer who did your site did their site. I did my own website. I know it looks good, I know it do. I know it looks like I could not have done that. But my ghetto *** did it. So I’m like didn’t nobody do my website but me. So why y’all trying to insinuate that somebody connected to me did something on your website? Cause that’s not the case. It was no template, it was me…I did my website.”

Latrice said LaTisha’s website should have been proofread before going live.

“Even if that’s the case, before you publish the website…you know with any kind of assignment, you want to proofread it and…”

Stormi then said, “Well, you know, Tisha bout can’t spell, honey, so…I don’t know if you seen the typos but they’re real. I mean the girl said break-fest not break-fast like **** *****. I said degrees where?”

As the conversation goes on, Stormi added, “But what frustrated me the most was when I would see Marsau off camera like we would run into him in the club.”

She continued, “He been done sit Tisha somewhere. His *** would be out there at the club got **** swiping up on somebody’s phone by the bar. But we ain’t gonna talk about that but anywho!”


  1. I agree that Marsau can be disrespectful with his words at times but Stormi is a female version of Marsau. She is truly the man in her marriage and she talks to Marsau like they are speaking man to man while her soft husband just stands by and wait for the cue to speak.

    Stormi needs to go. She is doing too much. From the Gucci purse to calling Marsau a B__tch! Stormi is too much and she’s trying to do too much.

    Earn your paycheck but don’t step on others to get it.

    Tisha is trying to take the high road but you all won’t let her.


    1. Soft Husband??! Courtney is anything but soft. Did you miss the episode where he checked Marsau for how he approached Stormi?? Courtney seems the type that doesn’t say anything unless provoked to do so. He doesn’t play about Stormi. That ain’t soft. Marsau didn’t bark too loudly because he knew Courtney woulda rocked his world. Simply because Stormi stands on business doesn’t make her the man in her relationship. That is a reach. She respects her husband and they discuss things like partners do. How is that being the man in the relationship???

  2. Personally… Yes personally Stormi just DON’T care for Marsau and since she found out what happened and Tish didn’t kiss her a-s she on a rampage. Not adult like and looks like a petty Betty. Use to like her. 👎🏽 now
    Girl Bye…

    1. I disagree. Stormi is taking no prisoners, and rightly so, because Marsau tried to pull a fast one with the $100 fee that should have been made clear prior to the conference. And then, LaTisha plagiarised Stormi’s Terms and Conditions for her own website. I mean the heffa is so stupid that all she did was a cut-n-paste! She didn’t have enough sense given to an acorn to CHANGE THE WEBSITE CONTACT INFORMATION from Stormi’s to HERS (LaTisha’s)!! And LaTisha talking about it was the web designer’s mistake! Who is her web designer…. a 2nd Grader?? Even IF LaTisha did have a web designer, at the end of the day, the ultimate proof-reading and APPROVAL falls to LaTisha!! Stormi told her that she gave her a** a pass… and did!! The web designer should sue her for slander and libel, if possible. Stormi has EVERY RIGHT to be fighting mad with LaTisha! Marsau ‘s sneaky a** was way out of line the way he looked at Stormi like she was a snack! He made her feel quite uncomfortable and LaTisha didn’t check THAT behavior, either. Yes, Marsau is a Mitch!! So what is your point that makes sense?

  3. Latisha is a very unethical person. Stealing someone’s work and content to promote your new business is foul. I have no idea why Marsau and Latisha think they can treat people like trash and not be held accountable. They bring nothing to the show anyway but fake storylines. Not a fan of Stormi but I prefer her and Courtney over the Scotts EASY.

  4. Stormi is annoying. She attacks people, but can’t handle it when they come for her. She’s not sincere about getting any of the ladies together; she’s creating more drama. As far as saying LaTisha can’t spell; well she can’t speak. I do love her husband, her house, her baby, her fashion, & her business sense though.

    1. So you think that Stormi defending herself and her business is “attacking” people??! Stormi only comes for you when you send for her. Marsau and LieTisha are two snakes in the grass. Stormi should sue LieTisha.

  5. I’m Team Stormi when it comes to the Scotts and have no idea why anyone likes them anyway! Stormi can say whatever she wants about a person who stole her business verbiage from her website and then tried to look down on her when they have no where near the same amount of success! Marsau and LaTisha pretend to be successful entrepreneurs and a power couple when Stormi and Courtney actually are that. So embarrassing! Latisha is lucky Stormi did not sue because I would have!

  6. It was wrong for LaTisha to hire someone to steal from Stormi’s business website. Now y’all understood Stormi was wrong to call Marsau a b-tch but y’all don’t think it’s wrong to steal someone’s work to profit from it? Stop playing. Imagine working hard to create your own business website just for someone who was supposed to be a friend to steal your work and then refuse to apologize when caught. You wouldn’t like it at all, but some of you are on here dragging Stormi like LaTisha isn’t a thief in more ways than one. Matter of fact, why aren’t LaTisha’s past crimes and mugshots discussed on the show when Keke’s addiction was Marsau and LaTisha’s storyline for 4 seasons? Between the fans and producers, I don’t understand why the Scotts are allowed to keep bothering the other cast members and never held accountable for the chaos they create. Their fans actually act like LaTisha and Marsau are the real victims. Are y’all in the twilight zone? Marsau and LaTisha started all of this. They start everything.

    1. That’s not how any of these works. A web developer doesn’t determine the content that goes on the website. It was LaTisha’s responsibility to give the person the correct info. I highly doubt that an experienced web developer would lift content from someone’s website – there are sites that are used for generating placeholder text so stop falling for LaTisha’s BS.

      Two things can be correct at the same time – Stormi was wrong for calling that lady’s man a bitch BUT the lady was not bothered by it so we ran off her energy. It would be on site if someone called my man a bitch, LaTisha’s silence was all we needed.

  7. I’m team Stormi! She is fair, generous and caring. I think her statements regarding Keke are genuine, although I think it’s time for Keke to go. The Gucci purse as a peace offering stating she wanted them (she and Destiny) to be Gucci was fine. If that’s how she roll and got it like that – what’s the problem. People we all can be versatile, I like her Datswhatsup, I also like her caring spirit for her Family and the other cast when they are at odds; her business acumen, and her professionalism. As for Marsau, he was acting like a beoytch, and purposely. Latisha is sad, right is right and wrong is wrong. Latisha needs to stand-up more and be honest and transparent. Marsau is ignorant at times. So Destiny and Ms Wanda gone, now its time for Keke, the Witlows, and Martell to go – sick of them, no value added. Just my opinion and take on things 🥰

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