LHHMIA Recap: Eliza and Shay Clash + Amara Calls Out her Babies’ Father

LHHMIA Season 5 Episode 14 Amara
Photo Credit: VH1

Claudia wants Flo and Marlon to officially divorce. 

Florence lets Claudia know she doesn’t like to see her and Eliza have what appears to be a flirty moment. Claudia says it’s nothing to worry about. But the bigger issue is Flo and Marlon are still married. And she needs them to get divorced if their relationship is going to be serious. 

Amara meets with Supa Cindy. They agree that her interview didn’t go the way it should have. But Amara caused a lot of speculation when she got on Instagram Live to deny ever being intimate with Safaree. She said the last person she slept with was her child’s father Allan. There are still feelings there. 

Eliza and Shay want to check each other. 

Shay and Momma Dee catch up. Sandra told Dee that Shay is pregnant again. This irritates Shay because she’s not ready for too many people to know. Regardless, she thought her mother was too disappointed. And she should have been more supportive in Shay’s opinion. 

They switch topics to Eliza. Shay says she didn’t like that Eliza said it was rumored that Shay was Fabo’s former side chick. So Shay plans on confronting her. 

Meanwhile, Eliza’s friend tells her she needs to check Shay because she came for her on social media. And she shouldn’t allow that because Shay has never been the first choice with any man. As for Eliza’s love life, Safaree has her attention. Since her somewhat friendship with Amara fizzled out, she doesn’t think there’s any obstacle to be concerned with. 

Zoey Brinxx is grieving. Her grandfather passed away recently. The funeral will be on the day of Supa Cindy’s upcoming event (Supa Cindy Day). But she’s not sure what to do. And she’s been stressed because Big David has been very critical of her lately. He wants her to be the female Biggie. That isn’t what she wants. 

Shay and Eliza face off. 

Flo finally has a tough conversation with Marlon. She tells him she wants to move forward with the divorce. This causes him to break down in tears because he was hoping she would eventually want to fix their marriage. However, she wants a future with Claudia. 

Zoey heads to Supa Cindy Day after she leaves her grandfather’s funeral. Her performance doesn’t go well and she blames it on being heartbroken. 

Interestingly enough, her performance is overshadowed by Gaelle’s actions. She clashes with one of Trina’s associates after Trina refuses to apologize to Gaelle. 

Amara is fuming because her children’s father, Allan, calls her out on social media. He alleges Amara has been keeping him away from their daughters. However, Amara tells a friend Allan has been an absentee father and she’s not going to protect his image anymore. 

Shay and Eliza have a sit-down to discuss what’s been said. Eliza doesn’t think Shay should be mad at her for repeating what she saw on the blogs. Shay takes out a turkey baster to gift Eliza. And she accuses Eliza of using one to have a baby by Future. Eventually, both ladies start throwing things before security intervenes. 

What are your thoughts on the episode? 

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1 comment

  1. I don’t understand why folks need the court of public opinion…social media that is to give their point of view. None of the people know you and really could care less.
    Amara shouldn’t’ve dignified anything that Allan said with a response. Whether truthful or not, she just needs to continue being a Mother and not let the bullswankey affect her.
    Shay being pregnant again doesn’t surprise me. Fabian sold her a dream and it didn’t come through. Now if she’s going to have an abortion she shoulda just done it. No one needed to know.
    My condolences to Zoey Brinxx. I commend her for trying to perform but no sis everyone would just have to understand.
    The Twins need to sit down and stop. To me, they’re jokesters and aren’t serious about anything because their Mother, Trick, etc are catering to them. Seriously would you buy that song they performed?
    Lastly Flo…why is she still hanging onto Marlon? I thought that marriage was dreaded last season. And then to confront Claudia about someone else coming onto her 🤔 I like how Claudia countered her with the divorce from Marlon. Then to see Marlon looking pitiful and crying made me say…OH WELL…he made his bed hard.

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