By: Taren Vaughan
Chad Johnson takes homeless man shopping? Chad Johnson, like most who play professional sports, doesn’t long for much when it comes to material things as they tend to bring in the big bucks. Chad’s pockets however took a major hit when his short-lived marriage to reality TV star Evelyn Lozada crumbled right before his eyes as the wedded couple spent less than two months together after they exchanged vows into front of friends and family. And as he saw his marriage to Evelyn slowly go down the drain, Chad Johnson also saw his brief stint with the Miami Dolphins and some of his major endorsement deals follow right after as the trouble continued to pile up for the wide receiver. Chad and Evelyn looked at one point to be in the process of working things out and getting back together. But when a Twitter beef went down between Chad and Evelyn’s daughter Shaniece, it was obvious that Chad and Evelyn were not looking to rekindle their romance like it was once thought, Chad going to the extent of saying that his marriage to Evelyn was meaningless.
Despite all the drama with Evelyn and being hit with all the rough patches post the domestic dispute, Chad Johnson’s desire to give and show others love hasn’t diminished any as he took time out of his day to help out a man who was down on his luck.
A homeless man who goes by the name “PorkChop” asked Chad for a beer. And Chad feeling most generous, went ahead and bought the man a case of beer and a pack of cigarettes. Chad tweeted a picture of him and “Pork Chop” enjoying an ice cold brew together with the caption:
“Homeless dude asked for a beer, I bought him a case of a 24 n a pack of Newports, we balling together f*ck it…”
Chad also threw in a G-shock watch that he had in the car so that the man would have a way to tell time and Chad spent some time listening to a little Frankie Beverly and Maze with “PorkChop” in his ride.
Thinking back on what the Kardashians did for a homeless man on an episode of their show when they took the guy and cleaned him up, Chad thought he’d do the same as he treated “PorkChop” to a shopping trip to Urban Outfitters, Chad posting the homeless man’s before and after pictures:
“After… PePe and PorkChop”
After taking his new found friend on a shopping spree, Chad decided to close the night out by taking “PorkChop”, whose first name is Robert according to Chad, out for a few drinks and even joked about going to look for jobs with him as he too is unemployed (Read from bottom to top):
That was really nice of him.
Cool. I’m glad to see him doing something positive.
Alright Chad. I’m glad to see he has a good heart despite everything that happened with Evelyn.
I knew he wasn’t a total creep! I actually like Chad. Chris & Rih need to look at Chad & Eveyln’s situation!
Much respect.
Oh wow. I didn’t know he had it in him. This is really nice.
Ooooh that blesses my heart. Myson always want to give to the homeless!
Love it.
Chad’s always been a solid guy. This age of the internet and social media will vilify even the best of us.
Can you imagine if the internet were around when Jesus was born? I can see it now… Jesus would be called all kinds of false prophets because he didn’t want to compete with Eddie Long and T.D. Jakes. He would probably have the police called on him for not getting an alcohol permit before creating wine at a wedding.
Mary would be called a straight up whore and liar because as we all know ‘you must have sex to have a baby’. Half of the people would be giving the Virgin one the *side eye*
Joseph would be a deadbeat dad for claiming that he never had sex with Mary.
They would both be on Maury with the verdict being “Joseph, you are NOT the father!” (cut to scene of Joseph doing the running man)
It would be crazy… this 24 hour news cycle and people’s natural penchant (prima facie) for being drawn to the negative makes it virtually impossible to see the good in anyone for any extended period of time.