Trayvon Martin’s Mom Sybrina Fulton Says She’s Fighting for All the Black & Brown Kids

Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: Twitter

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Sybrina Fulton’s Twitter is getting just as much attention as the trial itself these days. As we all await the jury’s verdict regarding Trayvon Martin’s accused murderer George Zimmerman, to most African-Americans; the whole case represents a deeper issue than an overzealous Neighborhood Watch guy killing an unarmed black teenager. The case in itself brings to the forefront an issue that has plagued black people for many years: racial profiling. While many of Zimmerman’s supporters scream up and down this case isn’t about race, most of us know better. It’s pretty clear Trayvon’s race was one of the reasons he looked so suspicious for walking down the street in the neighborhood he lived in every summer, in a hoodie on a rainy night.

And that is one of the reasons the case is so dear to the African-American community. You probably completely understand me when I tell you I remind my husband every single time he walks out the door to remember he is a black man. I worry he could be profiled for just about anything and I even tell him to make no sudden movements if he gets pulled over by the police for speeding.

It’s everyday life for us and it really shouldn’t be.

Trayvon Martin’s mother Sybrina Fulton sees the bigger picture too, no matter how many times Zimmerman’s lawyers lie through their teeth and claim this is really about self-defense. Interestingly enough, not once have any of Zimmerman’s supporters acknowledged that Trayvon had a right to defend himself too. Most of them seem to suggest he should have ran away, something evidence has already proven he actually did just moments before his death.

Sybrina Fulton took to her Twitter account to make it clear that despite the verdict we will hear very soon, she now understand her purpose in life is to not only fight for her son but the rights of all of the black and brown kids. She tweets:

Day 24 – As I sit in the courtroom I’m realizing that God is using me to stand up for my son, your son and all teenagers black, brown and those that wear hoodies. The bottom line is you all have rights too. If you don’t stand up for something positive you will fall for anything. No weapon formed against us will prosper. In the name of Jesus. XOXOXO


This woman is the ultimate definition of strong. Let’s continue to support her no matter what decision the jury may come to.


In related news, are you just as proud to see some of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood showing their support for Trayvon and his family? Beyonce, Rihanna, Gabrielle Union, Jamie Foxx and a slew of other celebs have taken to their social media accounts to show respect to Trayvon Martin. And they’re not alone. My timeline on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter has flooded with support for Trayvon as many have changed their profile pictures to black boxes in honor of the “blackout” for the slain teenager. Then there’s the numerous status updates/tweets demanding for justice. I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel good to see us join together and fight in a peaceful way for change.


  1. LOVED this post. I can relate to the worrying about your husband part too. When I have kids, I know I have to sit down and have “The Talk” with them about what it means to be black in America.

    1. Yeah “The Talk” is so necessary. Our kids really have to understand how a lot of people view us. If not, it will get them killed.

    2. Yeah The Talk is so necessary. Especially for black males. They have it worst than we do. Matter a fact, all of us need to go see that Fruitvale Station movie.

  2. I totally agree. I am very proud of the unity, support, and love being shown. Just as Trayvon’s mom has a clearer vision of her overall purpose, I’ve even noticed that my own wheels are spinning in attempt to figure out what it is I could do on a more consistent to basis within the community. God’s got His hands on this. Continued prayers for the Martin family and everyone in general man. Life’s ills are sickening…..

    1. Agreed. And I’ve also decided to do now do more for the community. This is becoming too common. So many innocent black men are being profiled and killed. And sometimes it’s even done by police officers. The only way it can get better is if we commit to keep fighting even after the verdict is announced. Either that or there will be more tragedies like this one.

      1. Shoot MOST times it’s done by police officers…the ones appointed to “serve and protect.” See my thing is this. It’s well within everyone’s right to be suspicious of a person/situation with proper cause; it’s how you handle that “suspicion” that speaks volumes. If I’m fearful of someone, I flee like hell. I can’t understand how people don’t get that it doesn’t make sense for George to have been fearful of someone HE pursued. You call the police and run your a-s in the house to watch from the window and see what happens…. he “defended” himself AFTER Trayvon acted within his right to defend himself once he realized he was being followed. It’s dark and raining and you got someone following you in a neighborhood you don’t live in. Give me a break.

        1. (Gives a round of applause) Thank you! It’s about time someone made some damn sense. And what these dumb behind Zimmermann supporters fail to realize is that Trayvon had a right to defend himself as well.

  3. I have so much respect for the Martins. It’s hard enough for a parent to lose their child, but to lose him this way in front of the whole world is even harder.

  4. The sad thing is we have some of our people criticizing us for getting so involved in this case. They keep talking about the black on black crime and asking why we don’t care so much about that. But how can anyone with a sane mind get mad at us for coming together and fighting against hate? That’ stupid to me. For all we know, this could be the one event that could wake up those involved in black on black crimes.

    1. Maaaaaaan, I so tried not to go there….but these are my sentiments exactly! I’ve been debating with people nonstop this week about why there is an overflow of support and the significance of blacking out the profile picture. It’s crazy how the ones pointing out the lack of involvement in black-on-black crime etc. are the same ones who are ALSO not involved. I had someone I follow make their profile picture gray. And someone commented asking “why gray?” And his response was “because everyone else’s is black.” Like….what the hell is your purpose? People speak out in opposition just for the sake of being “different.” I just wonder what they call themselves bringing awareness to? It totally grinds my gears. The crabs in the barrel mentality is real among the African-American community and it’s heartbreaking.

    2. Thank you! I swear I wanted to slap some people yesterday! They just want to look so deep. Can’t stand people like that!

  5. Yes!!!!! Love this post and all the people protesting peacefully in honor of Trayvon. He wasn’t perfect, but no one is. He didn’t deserve to die the way he did.

  6. I’m still praying for Sybrina and Tracy! No matter what the jury says, we need to fight to have those stupid laws in FL changed!

  7. “Interestingly enough, not once have any of Zimmerman’s supporters acknowledged that Trayvon had a right to defend himself too.” >>>> THANK YOU! That’s the thing that is more telling than anything else. These GZ supporters think they have a right to stalk us, chase us down and kill us if we fight back. It’s clear they still don’t see us as human beings. But to that I say we all got to die! They will have to explain that hatred they have for us one day when they die to God. There’s a special place in Hell for them too.

  8. This woman is the epitome of a strong black woman. I have said this before why I am so passionate about this case because Trayvon is one of many black children that are racially profiled this scares me having 3 nephews growing up in this world. You can’t kill our black children and get away with it. I am so proud that everyone is showing support for Trayvon Martin because they need it during this time.

  9. “I remind my husband every single time he walks out the door to remember he is a black man.” <<<< DEEP!

  10. Loving the dialogue I keep seeing on these Trayvon posts. I know I can always come on here and see some honest comments that make me think. I love this blog.

  11. Man this case is just so heartbreaking. Still! I don’t think I’ll ever stop feeling the anger and sadness I’ve been feeling since I first heard about it. Even if Zimmerman is found guilty, I’m still angry this even happened and has been happening to our black men, kids and adults. Smh.

  12. I hate when the ignorant GZ supporters say Trayvon should have ran. Umm idiots, he did run! And that came out of Zimmerman’s own mouth. They love to talk about how ignorant Trayvon supporters are but most of them don’t know sh-t. Dumb a-ses.

  13. I have the upmost respect for Sybrina and Tracy. I need to find a way to donate money to them. *goes to google*

    1. They have a foundation set up. We should all send money so they can keep fighting to make sure this never happens again.

  14. DA did a very poor job they called every witness the defense needed to make their lying case and DA help them not tray they never investigated that shelly zim and George had the fight that damaged his head and nose. check to see if she got rid of that bloody cell phone. question her father he can confirm the fight that evening when she went to him not yet knowing gz would go out ant take it out on an innocent young black teen who never even fought zim check zim truck for blood no blood on trayvon any where/\????? a left handed don’t wear his gun on right. pathologist didn’t know that zim was left handed he said right handed.many lies created this not guilty verdict GOD IS THE MASTER JUSTICE..


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