George Zimmerman’s Brother Slyly Threatens Trayvon’s Parents Not to File a Civil Lawsuit?

Photo Credit: David Shankbone
Photo Credit: David Shankbone

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

And the interviews continues now that George Zimmerman has been found not guilty for the murder of unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin. While the country continues to be divided over the verdict that sent a wave of anger to the African-American community, those directly affected by the whole trial are now speaking out. So far we’ve heard from two jurors, George Zimmerman’s brother, Racheal Jeantel and also Trayvon’s parents Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin. However, it appears George Zimmerman’s brother Robert Zimmerman, Jr. might be giving more interviews than anyone else connected to the situation. George Zimmerman is supposed to be in hiding (yet he came out for what many believe was a staged scenario to “save” a family who had just gotten into a car accident), so we’re assuming he’s just playing George’s mouthpiece while they prepare him for his very first interview since the trial.

In an exclusive email he sent in to the Huffington Post, Zimmerman’s brother explains why Trayvon’s family should think twice about filing a civil lawsuit against George, and to many it reads like a sly and very manipulative threat:

“A myriad of things that were off-limits in a criminal trial would come into play in a civil case. Specifically, things that might not be very flattering to Trayvon or his family.”


He then goes on to tell the publication that a suit against his brother would not only hurt Trayvon’s image in the media, but it won’t be easy to pull off anyway since George was found not guilty:

“I don’t expect a wrongful death suit … There is the potential assertion of civil immunity before the case would even start — things that were off limits during the case might also come up then. Also, a criminal acquittal goes a long way to supporting a civil immunity claim.”



Considering how Zimmerman and his supporters in the media have already labeled the slain Trayvon a thug with his gold teeth and school suspensions, we’re still wondering when Zimmerman’s brother is going to acknowledge that his brother too has many skeletons the media hasn’t even made a fuss over just yet. We won’t hold our breath though.


  1. It’s amazing how barbaric these people were trying to make Trayvon out to be but yet Tray’s family has been more classy than Zimmerman’s entire bloodline thus far.

  2. Aww STFU! OJ was acquitted and he had to pay up like your fat a-s brother will have to. Use your scare tactics on someone else you closet case!

  3. LOL so I guess he forgot about all that dirt his brother has to hide too huh? Bring it on ZimmerTHUGS.

  4. What an IDIOT!!! The ZIMMER>>A$$E$ really need to go sit down somewhere…..he’s talking as if a child was not killed here!!! HE SOUNDS INTELLIGENT BUT HE KEEPS ON LETTING THAT TONGUE ROLL; HE SOUNDS MORE AND MORE LIKE D@MN FOOL!!!!!

  5. It’s so obvious now that this family is very dirty. They are so messed up they use money to silence people and get their way. That trial was fixed! And now they are willing to pay the right people to keep that civil case from coming. These people deserve to rot in hell.

  6. He’s not scaring anyone. As much as they drag that dead child’s name in the mud, what more can they possibly say now? File the lawsuit!

  7. This idiot ain’t nothing but reflection of what those lawyers I peeped what that lawyer O’Mara said right after the trial “We welcome a civil suit” these idiots don’t realize that a civil suit has nothing to do with murder trial but we are dealing w/ Florida so maybe they know something we don’t. UB hit it right on the head about all GZ past will come out. It’s funny how these idiots wants bring up character issues of a 17 year old child but not a 29 year old adult.

  8. They will file a lawsuit. They are working on that right now. They will not back down because of this a-shole’s threats.

  9. Florida doesn’t say he’s immune from the suit. He can’t say he used Stand Your Ground to get immunity because that is not what he claimed in the trial. Instead, he said it was self defense. Wrongful Death won’t be hard to prove considering Trayvon was not committing a crime. Zimmerman’s stupid brother should read more before he tries to intimidate someone.

  10. Does this family even believe in God?! They talk about Trayvon like he wasn’t a human being and killing someone isn’t ungodly. Just evil. All of them.

    1. That’s how most of them do. Claim they are Christians but find nothing wrong with killing a black teenager who was minding his own business. That’s not Godly.

      1. Smh!! When people wrong and hurt others they never have peace. These people disgust me!! WE REAP WHAT WE SOW, MORE THAN WE SOW, AND LATER THAN WE SOW…IT’S JUST A MATTER OF TIME. RIP, GOD IS GOOD.

  11. Ok well is he and the rest of the Zimmerthugs ready to talk about George assaulting an actual police office while drunk? Beating up his ex fiancee? Molesting his own cousin? Or the fact that the mentoring of black teens he was bragging on was actually court ordered for assaulting a cop? I’m ready to talk about it. Too bad the media wasn’t. But they think Trayvon was the one that was the media favorite. LOL.

  12. That whole Zimmermann family is filled with a bunch of idiots. Karma is coming for them, hopefully sooner than later.

  13. Would you all go to We the or the NAACP site to sign the petition for Zimmerman to be prosecuted for violating Trayvon’s Civil Rights to Live…there are three petitions there but all you have to do is sign one. When you go on the site you will have to scroll to the bottom and look, there may be one petition there but if not it will say push to see other petitions. Thanking you all in advance for your support.

  14. I’m SOOO sicka ZIMMERMAN a-s… Amazes me how they trying to make him look all good an sh-t… He still a f-cking cold blooded a-s killer… Now he wants to save a FAMILY THATS BULLSH-T, I guess that’s why the family DIDNT wanna speak because HE DIDNT SAVE ANYONE… Bogus a-s Story… His brother needs to STFU!!!

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