Mimi Calls BS on Stevie J. and Joseline’s Marriage

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

While many are still trying to figure out if Stevie J. and Joseline Hernandez are married, Stevie J. took to his Twitter account and the latest issue of Hip Hop Weekly to “confirm” his marriage with the self-proclaimed “Puerto Rican Princess.” Joseline and Stevie have been trying to exclusive thing and it became a focal point of season two of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.” And with Mimi Faust officially off of Stevie’s bus, Joseline started eyeing marriage. By the end of season two she did propose, but Stevie decided they weren’t quite ready to walk down the aisle. He still bought her a ring and while Joseline labeled it as a symbol of an engagement, Stevie says it’s just a symbol for “life partner gang.”

But now Stevie is claiming everything is official, but neither Stevie nor Joseline have bothered to show proof of the marriage in the form of a marriage certificate. And that’s pretty odd considering the couple claims they tied the knot at the Justice of Peace. This of course has many people calling the whole thing nothing more than a publicity stunt.

Well it looks like Mimi agrees because the other day she chatted it up with her ex and VH1 for the Very VH1 Show and claims she doesn’t think Stevie and Joseline are married because there’s no public record of the union anywhere. Stevie J. also refused to answer the question when asked if he was married and says, “I was told by my attorneys not to really answer that question.”

Mimi then makes it clear she’s not buying the marriage and tells the host of the show Sharon Carpenter they should have proof of a marriage via court records if a marriage really went down:

“Sharon, if they were married there would be a legal document because it’s public record. So try and pull it up. If they’re married, you can pull up the public record of them being married. So you go try and pull it up and see if they’re married.”


Mimi promptly smirked as Stevie continued to dodge the question and sang loudly “Here Comes the Bride.”

Like we told you weeks ago, we’re not believing anything until we see a marriage certificate and court records. But check out the hilarious video below:


  1. Mona, it’s time for something new. I’m tired of these same people and tired story lines. I’m shocked the ratings were so good this season. I was bored the majority of the season.

  2. She looks pretty in the photo. I’m not sure how long Stevie and Joseline are going to keep up their antics, but I wouldn’t’ be surprised if Mona did give them their own show.

  3. MiMi must not know that all marriage certificates are not public record. For example, in California there is such a thing as a confidential marriage. It does not require a witness or a witness’ signature and is not made available to the public without a court order and even with a court order, a copy is not accessible from the state office. Regardless, I don’t believe these two were married at a JOP.

  4. They aren’t married. When most celebs get married, someone in the camp or the media will get a hold of the marriage certificate. Yeah you may not always be able to pull that up online, but even Kerry Washington’s marriage certificate was found. Sites like TMZ will even pay top dollar for it if it isn’t public record. There’s no way Joseline and Stevie wouldn’t try to make money off the certificate. They haven’t shown it or sold it off because they aren’t married.

  5. Who cares….THREE RING CIRCUS….I watch now just to see who’s gonna be the a-s of each episode…..there’s isn’t much positivity in ATL…..

  6. THREE RING CIRCUS…..just watch to see who the bigger jackass will be of each episode….Degrading ones self seems to be the goal……NOT TO MUCH POSITIVITY IN THE ATL…LOL

  7. Why is Mimi concerned? I wish she would respect herself more and move on from that womanizer…even if he is the father of her child.

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