By: Taren Vaughan
Solange Knowles Aaliyah biopic rumors shut down by singer? Although Solange Knowles happens to be the younger sister to superstar singer Beyonce, Solo has proven time and time again that she has what it takes to do her own thing in the business. Solange started up a solo music career and has put her acting skills to work in various movies. While it’s clear that Solange and her big sis Bey have their own identities and personal goals, they both are no strangers to the rumor mill and dealing with hateful comments from critics on the Internet. During Part 2 of her interview with Concrete Loop’s Angel Laws, Solange revealed that she got off Instagram because of cyber bullies and whether or not she will be taking on the role of late singer Aaliyah in a biopic.
On how she handles negative commentary from people on social media networks, Solange says:
“Apart of me kind of turns an eye to it and then apart of me really feels like the humanization of artists has really been stripped down. I think one of the reasons I actually went off of Instagram because I was on there for little awhile was because I would post pictures of my son or my friends and they would be criticizing. My whole thing is that I’m completely fully, capable of handling negativity for myself, but to put that kind of access to negativity behind people who didn’t ask for that was really troubling to me.”
And as far as the rumors of the singer taking on the roles of Aaliyah or legendary singer Diana Ross in biopics are concerned, Solange says they aren’t true and she was never asked to play either of the singers:
“That is really a testament to the bad side of the internet. How things can really just surface and people will believe them wholeheartedly. But never ever have I been approached to play either of them in any kind of way.”
Peep the Part 2 clip of Solange’s interview below:
She shouldn’t have let ignorant people run her off Instagram. That’s giving them too much power.
Yeah people can be evil on IG. But she shouldn’t have let them push her to deleting IG.
Toughen up Solange. Your sister gets worst on her Instagram account yet she’s still on there.
I’m glad she’s not playing Aaliyah. I just didn’t see that for her. Lol.
Never give a bully what they want.
I’m starting to think that Aaliyah movie is never going to happen.
She gives internet trolls way too much power.
Love her.
Something really needs to be done about cyber bullying but I love Solange’s new song lovers in the parking lot.
People can be evil. Why even follow someone you don’t like on Instagram anyway?
I don’t blame her for getting off. The two alternatives would be getting off or having a private account. It’s easier said than done when you aren’t receiving thousands of negative comments on a daily basis. Beyond the fame, people are human. She clearly said SHE could take the negativity. When she’s posting photos of her child, family etc. and people are mean and rude toward them for no reason? Everybody has their limits…. And for the record…she isn’t Beyonce. And I’ll take it a step further and bet that it’s rarely ever Beyonce herself running that account. It’s not always about “not giving people what they want.” Sometimes you gotta let someone have today so you can have tomorrow. Some battles aren’t worth fighting….social media being one of them. She’s living life in real life and that’s all that matters.
I completely agree with you
I agree with most of the other posters. Solange needs to toughen up. She wants to be a singer and she’s worried about what jealous idiots wrote on Instagram? Girl please! Like it or not, it comes with the job. And no she cannot handle it because if she did she wouldn’t have deleted her account. She’s lying and trying to pretend she’s stronger but she’s more sensitive than her sis. Solange is always responding to fools on Twitter because she lets people get to her too much. Beyonce may or may not run her Instagram account but she has access to it and can read the comments. But she said she doesn’t read the comments on anything because she’s not trying to give negativity attention/power in her life. Solange needs to take a page out her sister’s book. That’s why Beyonce is the bigger star. She has the tough skin for it and Solange never did. I’ll never forget that interview Solange did and she caught a major attitude on national tv because someone asked her about Jay and Bey. Smh.
Agreed. Even non famous people get bullied online at times. You have to learn how to ignore ignorance. Never let those kinds of people have power over you.
And sometimes, the non famous people that are bullied are the ones committing suicide, taking revenge out on masses of innocent people, etc. I totally get where y’all are coming from with this, but if she felt this was the best move for her to maintain her own peace and positivity. Some see it as giving “people” too much power…. But I think subjecting yourself to it when you’d rather not just for the sake of “ignoring” it or having tough skin is giving perception too much power. Solange did what she felt was best for her…. If she couldn’t take it she didn’t have to.
I’m sorry, but that’s the problem. You’re basically saying that people should give in to bullies. We should not. We need to teach our kids to stop wanting to kill themselves because of bullies! That’s the point people are making on here. Once you take a bully’s power away and understand that what they say about you holds no real merit (they aren’t God!), then only will you have a peaceful life. I was bullied. And it’s a bad feeling. But once I understood these people don’t deserve that power over me, they left me alone. Bullies only keep pursuing people because they get a reaction. They get kids to kill themselves, they get people like Solange to delete their Twitter and Instagram accounts. You’re telling people to let bullies win and in all honesty, you’re encouraging them to keep bullying because you make them feel like it’s working.
Had Solange started ignoring it, she would have stripped them of their power. That’s the truth. Now she can say she feels better leaving Instagram, but she just gave the bullies an easy victory and it just fed them more.
Kids should not be killing themselves over what strangers say about them. We have to toughen up as a society and stop letting what people say on the internet cause us destruction. I get what you’re saying, but I can’t rock with it. No matter how you slice it, Solange gave bullies way too much power. And you’re a strong girl I assume based off what I’ve read from you on here, and I can’t imagine you letting strangers dictate how you feel about yourself so much to the point you’d take your own life. We’re just saying we expect more from Solange. She’s better than that. She deserves to have a IG page like everyone else and she shouldn’t let fools make her feel like she can’t have an account. That was weak and she’s better than that. I get cursed out on here all the time by Rihanna fans lol, but I’ll be damned if I let any of them make me lose any sleep or question who I am. They aren’t worth it.
I see where you are both coming from. And no, I’m not saying I would have taken the same route as her. All I’m saying is that her choice should be respected. I can see this both ways…. I can see how standing up is beneficial. But I can also see how walking away could be as well. As a society, maybe we do need to toughen up…. But the opposite could also be said with regard to softening up as well. Bullying has been going on for a really long time, but something about social networks just made it so much worse. Am I saying kids should allow bullying to drive them to suicide? No. Am I saying that bullying should drive a person to run away from something as minute as an Instagram account? No. But what I am saying is that if a person feels that’s what they need to do, they should be able to do that without criticism. Nobody handles any one issue the same way…. So while we encourage thicker skin, we should also encourage compassion, respect, etc. My heart and love for people is a gift and a curse. And with that, I just wish people had the ability to make decisions for their life without being subjected to being judged or ridiculed for it. I’m not saying y’all are wrong or that I disagree…I’m simply offering an alternate perspective. I’m just wondering if we’re teaching the wrong lessons. Because they stopped bullying you after you ignored them doesn’t mean they stopped bullying….and I guess that’s more my focus than tough skin is.
You make a good point, I just feel people have to understand there’s not much we can do to stop people from being stupid on the internet. And I think bullying hasn’t gotten worse, it’s just that Twitter/FB/IG has just given it a platform to make it more convenient. It’s sad and terrible, but I don’t think the world is going to get any better. So we have to teach our kids how to handle it. And we’re not judging Solange, we’re just giving our opinions on her actions. Like we do everyone. Of course what we think doesn’t mean much. We all have opinions. We’re not God though. The good thing though is we’re all able to come on here and have real dialogue without name calling and being bullies ourselves. And I appreciate it. I still love Solo, I just think she deserves to have her account and she shouldn’t let people take that right from her.
As always, yall stay making some great points on all sides on here. I really like that about people on here @D. Val, Troll, Anonymous. Thank you for the great conversation.
The whole point of cyber bullying is to hurt feelings and run people off. Why on earth would Solange give them that much power? I’m sorry, I don’t buy the I can handle it crap she said. She got off because it hurt HER feelings. I follow her on Twitter and she argues with people all the time. That’s a weak move to me. You don’t give stupid people power or validate them with a response.