By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Tamar Braxton got emotional on “The Real” when the panel had an emotional discussion about bullying and social media trolls, and Tamar got personal and admitted her ongoing beef with K Michelle has taken an emotional toll on her.
In particular, Tamar says it really hurts to constantly be called a Muppet on social media, and she feels like K Michelle is the person who has made the insult so popular.
K took to Twitter to make it clear she is unmoved by Tamar’s tears but Tamar has some words for her foe and critics of her emotional TV moment.
She posted the following to Instagram before deleting it quickly:
Tamar have a stadium of seats. You thought your tears would get you sympathy but what really happened is everyone dragged you for being such a hypocrite. And I’m glad.
Nothing but the truth.
No wonder she feels bad because she doesn’t know what to tell her son. This broad doesn’t even know the proper definition of bullying. AND she’s also a hypocrite, because NO ONE asked her opinion when K expressed her “feelings” regarding her domestic situation with Memphitz. It’s official… I can’t stand this lady.
I have to agree with all of this.
I see she still doesn’t get it. She got dragged because people are tired of her playing the victim when all the beefs she’s been in she actually started.
Girl you better speak the truth. All Tamar does is hate on other women. It’s hard to feel sorry for someone like that.
And yet you stan for one of the biggest haters of other women ever. Yet claid to never understand why most of us don’t like her. #TheHypocrisyIsReal
I see why she deleted it. She knew this was some bullsh-t too.
Lmao yep!!!!!
She’s too sensitive and overdramatic for her own good.
I wish she would just stop and accept the dragging she got yesterday. People can see right through her foolishness. She will even shade her own family members. She’s not a nice person.
Time to let it go Tamar.
While Muppet was fitting and funny, nothing describes her better than crybaby.
K. was actually abused and ganged up on by Tamar, Toya, Rasheeda and Memphitz but she wasn’t the one who broke down in tears on TV or nor does she whine about it on Instagram/Twitter. Interesting because she’s actually a real victim. Hmm.
I knew she would just say something to make it worse. #Narcism
She’s the classic Narcissist.
So where’s that one annoying Tamar stan? She’s been hella quiet. You know you messed up when your own biggest stan has taken off the cape.
More fake victim tears. Smh.
And this joke of a response is supposed to do what? Deleting it was best. Lol.
Can’t stand this broad.
Tamar I mean the muppet needs some help and the producers of THE REAL need to get it for her. Tamar needs to pay all the producers and song writers she owes and pay the IRS their back tax’s cause in jail you can’t wear wigs and she looks a mess with those wigs and without a wig a hot mess. Tamar you should have just kept you mouth shut cause now we are going to drag you for that stupid comment you just deleted.
She has no idea what bullying is. That definition she made up is so off.
she is the bully and bullies other women all the time
Tamar has to be one of the most delusional people ever. She never thinks she’s wrong. And I’m sure Vince enables her behavior too.
I still have no sympathy for her.
How in the world does Tamar hv the audacity to cry about being bullied? She is the person who decided to go after K Michelle. K may hv started the trend if calling her a ‘muppet face’ but if she hadn’t jumped into K’s discussion, she won’t hv gotten stung by K. She does look like a Muppet though, due to all of that plastic surgery.
just to hear her call K a bully when she actually tried to get K dropped from her label is crazy
I mean management
FIRST OFF, I CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT I JUST READ. THIS HYPOCRIT, POT CALLING THE KETTLE, CHILD! Tamar since you or your people are reading what we are comment LET ME BE CRYSTAL CLEAR SINCE YOU DONT SEEM TO GET IT, STILL. It is absolutely ok for you to express the way you feel. No one is saying you do not have that right. What you don’t seem to get is that when you were on The Real commenting on bullying, no one asked you about the name “muppet”. Tamar brought this up herself. She opens that big mouth and insert foot every time. She was asked about bullying. She could have spoke about her High School days but, no, what did she do? She spoke of being called a Muppet. This name was called years ago and here she is a 38 year old child bringing it up as if it was said today. I know Tamar ia very insecure person, but the world now thinks she is and insecurity does not make an artist look good. People want to see confidence and that is not what Tamar shows. You do have a right to YOUR OPINION TAMAR BUT WE AS THE PUBLIC HAVE A RIGHT TO OURS. You contradicted yourself when you said “we have a right to feel no matter who agrees or not”. Well we as the people you want to buy your albums, clothing and alcohol, we get to say what we feel NO MATTER WHAT IF YOU AGREE TAMAR. I see why she deleted her comment cus it did not make sense to argue or go back and forth with the public when you depend on the COIN made from those people that are commenting. You will never see a dime of my money, with this attitude. Towanda was right. YOU CAN DISH IT BUT NOT TAKE IT. I would respect her more if she said, “you know what I’m just going to stay out of people’s business, but she LIVES TO SPEAK AND COMMENT ON OTHER ARTIST. THE PROBLEM IS CHRIS BROWN AND K MICHELLE are in the same music industry that she is and are very talented and she keeps burning bridges with people whom she has never met. YOU TAMAR have started a war with the public and some that were your fans, that you will never win. Don’t know if Vince has mentioned this but you should NEVER BEEF WITH THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU. YOU SHOULD NEVER GET MAD OR RANT BACK AT THE PUBLIC THEN TURN AROUND AND ASKED THEM TO BUY YOUR ALBUM. You say you are free, but I am sorry Tamar until you account for your actions and be humble and gracious to people you will never be free. You cannot be TAMAR BRAXTON and expect social media to not comment good or bad. Please next time you get on IG understand what you mean before you say it. Maybe you need a publicist because you don’t understand bullying. Its what you are doing to the public by ranting at us. When you bully someone that is not calling them a name. Bullying is “harassing” it takes name calling to another level. It is not making an excuse to make some fee bad. What? It is when you repeatedly consistently harass someone to make them feel bad. ITS WHAT YOU DO TAMAR. K michelle nor Chris Brown has never harassed you. They both were defending themselves. They have the right to do that. If someone came on a talk show and spoke about you, and you did not like what they said, how would it make you feel? Why cant you respond? Didn’t you just say you have that right. Why is it ok for you and not for K Michelle and Chris Brown. LAWD SOMEONE HELP THIS CHILD! I just cant anymore.
One thing, I do realize is that Tamar is not that bright. She puts out a statement that sounds foolish and instead of standing by it she deletes it. SOMEONE FIND THIS CHILD SOME GROWN A—S UNDIES TO PUT ON BECAUSE SHE IS MAKING HERSELF A BIGGER FOOL THAN EVER! She should have gone to college like K did cus all that background singing really did her a disservice. Don’t call her a MUPPET CUS MUPPETS HAVE MORE BRAINS THAN TAMAR. Not bullying. Real Talk. Pun Intended. Toni has got to be embarrassed, but not surprised. They have all told her that she don’t get it. Help her Lord.