By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The other day The Game was slapped with a $10 million lawsuit by a woman who was a contestant in his upcoming dating reality show, and she claims the rapper sexually assaulted her.
In the suit, the woman claims Game got so drunk during an outing that he touched her inappropriately multiple times, and even put his hands on her private parts.
Amber Rose chimed in on the topic on Baller Alert’s Instagram page and The Game clapped back when he got word of her comments:
Amber is doing the most to promote that damn walk of hers. She better chill before someone drags her.
Exactly. I know she has to promote but sheesh!
Now why would he get mad at Amber? Her issue was with Baller Alert and she said she didn’t know if Game was guilty or not. He acts like a broad too much for me.
I don’t think she was saying he did it. I think she was saying whomever wrote the caption for the pic was wrong. He’s in his damn feelings….something is really wrong with these Cali dudes. I’ve been saying it for years.
B-tch a-s n-gga.
But Amber really didn’t say anything wrong she just said the caption was victim blaming she didn’t even pick a side she never said Game was guilty. Had his dumba-s took the time and actually read what she said he wouldn’t look like such f-ckboy.
Why is he mad at Amber?
The Game is always in his feelings. Always.
Amber did nothing wrong. She was really calling out Baller Alert because they did a post on that woman’s past legal run ins like that means Game couldn’t have assaulted her.
Eh, this is probably just another stunt to promote his reality show.
Ugh such a sensitive thug.
I’m sure she won’t clap back at him like she did Khloe. Amber is only tough when it’s another woman she can argue with for attention.
He’s taking his anger out on the wrong person. Amber ain’t the one who is suing him.
The Game is retarded Amber was just saying that they shouldn’t drag this girl cuz of her past run ins until they knw for sure she is lying…….The Game just need to continue to look good and not say nothing until he is speaking to his lawyer and a judge cuz he sounds wild crazy
Thats is Not his IG page or name so therefore thats not his reply. Dont even sound like him. His IG name is losangelesconfidential
The Game has two Instagram pages (like most celebs). This is indeed him.
Oh goodness. Don’t respond Amber!!
Eww! SMFH! I’m so disgusted by the women on here claiming Amber was promoting her “Slut walk”, which is incorrect (quit assuming boo-boo). It’s obvious she was trying to address Baller Alert ignorance for mentioning the alleged victim past….implying that she could be promiscuous, a manipulator and even lying about her lawsuit against the Game. No one but her and the game knows what really a happened, so let the court decide who is tell the truth and who is not. But hey, since folks on UrbanBelle are discussing this woman’s past,let’s discuss The Game’s past…shall we. Hmmmm…weren’t he recently accused of physically abusing his ex fiance? and even arrested for “criminal threats” *sips tea*. This guy is no saint his damn self. Look Amber NEVER accused The Game of sexual assaulting the woman on the show, so The Game and the females coming to his rescue need to strengthen their reading comprehension skills. To be real, The Game’s response to Amber’s post was hostile and way too emotional…..he need to get out of his feelings, ASAP, before these feminist groups get his a-s together. It’ll be wise for Lil’ Nintendo to not mention the lawsuit and let his lawyers do their job. He’s making himself look like the abusive and controlling type boyfriend his Ex-Fiance says he is. I’m tired of woman defending these rappers criminal behaviors before a judge makes a verdict. Ya’ll gon’ learn to quit defending thugs….and yes, he calls himself a thug, so don’t come at me with the bullsh-t, cause I aint the one. Anyway, I agree with Amber’s statement 100% and commend her for sticking up for rape and sexually abused victims. I respect her for that. Damn if ya’ll agree with me or not….
Lmao and you gon learn to stop defending Amber. She ain’t who you think she is. I used to ride for her too. I thought she was real. Some of us can just see right through her now given what we’ve seen in the last few weeks. And that doesn’t mean we like The Game. Amber is the same one who just kissed the Kartrashians butts after calling herself standing up for all the people they have wronged. She has no real cause. It’s always about attention with her. You’ll see eventually. I did.