By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Shaunie O’Neal may be looking to once again expand the “Basketball Wives” franchise.
Apparently Tami Roman has put together a potential Houston cast and Shaunie is shopping the show as of now.
Shaunie tells the Jasmine Brand:
“We have a Houston cast that we put together. We haven’t sold it but it’s shopping right now….It’s a good cast so I hope the network likes it…
“Tami [Roman] actually put the cast together and brought it to me so, if it’s in Houston, Ms. Tami will have producer credit. How ’bout that?”
She needs to cut this sh-t out right now. They don’t need another one of these ratchet a-s shows. One is enough.
Houston? Why?
Make it stop.
Shaunie is about her paper I give her that.
Oh hell no this makes no sense BBW LA is hanging on by a thread and should have been cancelled years ago now they trying to put it in another city. Shaunie and Tami need to quit fooling themselves nobody wants to see another basketball wives no matter what city I love H-town but BBW franchise has run its course time to cancel bury it and move on.
I guess they can’t tell a sinking ship when they see one. The glory days of BBW are over and a new one can’t save it. Even Love and Hip Hop is approaching it’s end date.
I’ll be surprised if this gets picked up. I think VH1 has moved on and she’s lucky to still have BBWLA.
Really? Houston is a weird choice imo.
But BBWLA is hanging on by a thread and it’s boring now.