Sheree Whitfield Already at Odds with RHOA Producers?

A source recently gave the Daily Mail all the alleged details.

The Daily Mail writes:

‘Here she thought she was returning to pick up where NeNe left off as one of the original cast members, but now her episodic run is as limited as Demetria McKinney’s was last season,’ a source tells Daily Mail Online.

…’Sheree didn’t get a contract for the show until after she started production on Season 8.

‘She was several weeks into taping when the network presented her a contract for a limited number of episodes, much to her surprise,’ a source told Daily Mail Online.

According to the source, Whitfield met with the reality show producer earlier this year and pitched him a concept – a show about African-American real estate agents in Atlanta.

When Whitfield departed from the show three years ago she went on to get her real estate license and had been selling properties since.

She wanted to be featured in the new show along with several other women she knew were also having success in the world of real estate and believed King could help her sell the show to a network.

‘Without telling Sheree, Carlos started pitching the show to networks and WE TV became interested,’ claims the source.

He sold them the concept without Sheree’s involvement and then had to go back to her with a make-good once he did.

In addition to offering her a co-executive producer credit, he told her he would arrange for her return to Real Housewives full-time.

He was just trying to do whatever he could to keep her from suing him,’ the source revealed.

WE TV officially announced the pickup of the show, Selling It: In the ATL.


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  1. Carlos is such a snake for that. Well Nene tried to them he wasn’t to be trusted. He has his favorites but it’s just a matter of time before he turns on them too.

  2. Sheree was crazy to tell him her idea without making him sign a contract. That’s business 101. I bet he is making more money from that new show than Sheree is and it was her idea.

  3. Man Nene has to be sitting back and laughing at how everything has turned out since she left. The only thing left is bad ratings. If that happens, she is going to gloat so bad and I’m here for it.

  4. Carlos only looks out for himself. I hope Kenya is paying attention because I do think he will cross her soon enough.

  5. Damn Sheree stay taking L’s…….she is too old to be so gullible and naive like that….anyway I am a lil confused tho. How is she now selling folks houses and it took her 20yrs to get her own built up. What is she gonna convince people to dive str8 into something they can’t afford meanwhile they kids have to sleep on the floor just to keep up with the jones???? Cuz she’s good at that.

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