By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Porsha Williams was elated to find out her younger sister Lauren Williams is currently pregnant with her first child, but Porsha did admit she wishes she could be in her shoes.
Although the baby news was initially an exciting moment for both, now the pregnancy may be driving a wedge between their relationship.
Click next for the details.
Lauren is lucky she’s pregnant because that’s the only thing keeping Porsha from assaulting her.
You forgot your fave Kenya actually threatened a pregnant woman? At least Porsha has enough sense not to do that. She’s had disagreements with two pregnant women this season, and she never once threatened to knock their teeth out. When will Kenya?
Thank you. These Kenya supporters are so hypocritical it’s laughable.
Umm what? That’s her sister and they had a disagreement. It’s not like they were getting ready to throw down. Some of y’all do the most when it comes to Porsha. I bet you’re a Kenya stan too. That’s what makes this even more hypocritical.
Aww a sister fight. I’m sure they will make up and make it work. Porsha should just suck it up and let Lauren work from home.
Porsha needs to understand that pregnancy can be a lot on a woman. She doesn’t need to out here stressing Lauren out.
I think this is a petty situation. I’m sure they can find common ground and meet in the middle once they put their emotions to the side.
Porsha is acting like she’s on Oprah’s level, yet she can’t even afford to get her sister a first class seat next to her. How Sway?
Too easy.
I guess Porsha is supposed to be the villain this season. Blah.
Yelling at a pregnant woman though? Porsha is so ratchet.
At least she didn’t pull out a gun out and a bullet with Lauren’s name on it.
Team Twirl, y’all have no room to talk…none. Please have a seat. Anyway, if Lauren is still in the morning sickness phase, she needs to be able to work from home. Porsha is being insensitive.