K Michelle Talks Adele’s Success & Double Standards in the Music Industry

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Black R&B singers are currently struggling in today’s music industry, and some suspect someone of color could not sell as many albums as Adele in this day and age.

In when it comes to speaking in an unfiltered manner, nobody does it better than K Michelle.

And she recently had some interesting things to say about Adele’s success.

Click next for the details.

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  1. The crazy thing is K Michelle could be much bigger than she is if she would stop distracting people from her talent. We see her as reality star first and that’s a problem considering the girl really can sing and makes good music.

  2. I think everyone with a brain can see what’s going on with Adele and Sam Smith, etc. It’s unfortunate because black artists are almost a dying breed now. I miss the era when multiple black artists were doing well and very visible…

  3. She needs to make some cross over hits and stop distracting us with her assets. I believe it takes away from her talent and I love K’s realness in her music. I am a big supporter of her ever since I saw her on LAHHA. I think she needs to do a duet with Adele or someone so she can be recognized as a mainstream artist, but I do agree with what she said.

  4. K.Michelle where to begin darling lol it’s hard for an artist to stay buzzing having said that Adele just touched a nerve at the right time and is just either less vocal or just more cool if sista would just stop all the antics I’m pretty sure more people would support. As an artist in general it’s hard to keep the buzz up and keep folk buying if your time is up or something else is too distracting.

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