It’s time for Cecil to move back in.
Cecil and Simone catch up after the Antigua trip.
Simone says she has to make room for Cecil’s clothes in the closet now that he’s moving back in. But Cecil says he can just use the closet downstairs.
This makes Simone happy and she hugs him. In a green screen interview, Simone says that she’s thankful she and Cecil are in a much better place.
Heavenly visits Quad.
They discuss the bracelet Heavenly got Quad for the Antigua trip.
In a green screen interview, Quad says her split from Gregory has shown her who her real friends are. Apparently she doesn’t feel Simone and Toya are real friends.
When they discuss Quad’s divorce, Heavenly says that sometimes you can marry the wrong person.
Regardless, Quad is confident she won’t be single forever.
Jackie gets some help.
Simone drops by Jackie’s place.
Jackie tells Simone that Dr. Ken told her she needs to cook n*ked for Curtis. He also feels Jackie needs to work at home less and be s*xy more.
So Simone shows Jackie how to use her stove. Heavenly then shows up minutes later. After Jackie says she’s going to treat Curtis like a king for a day, Heavenly tells her she should do that everyday.
Heavenly and Simone start helping Jackie prepare the dinner.
Toya and Eugene check on their new house.
Eugene tells Toya that the builder needs more space for the utility closet. So Toya’s two story closet may need to be cut in half. This doesn’t sit well with Toya, so Eugene says they can forsake the wine cellar. She agrees to this once it’s understood she will have a wine cellar one day.
When Curtis gets home, he sees Jackie in the kitchen wearing an apron. She decided not to get completely nude.
He’s thrilled. She then hands over a bell he can ring if he wants something.
As Curtis tastes the food, he tells her he’s impressed.
Heavenly has another session with Dr. K.
She tells him about her most recent blowup with Mariah.
Apparently, the first person she feels ever disrespected her was her sister. Mariah reminds Heavenly a lot of her sister.
“The anger towards Mariah had nothing to do with Mariah.” – Heavenly
So moving forward, Heavenly thinks she needs to sit down and talk to Mariah.
“I think it’s time for forgiveness.” – Heavenly
Now that Cecil has moved back in, Simone couldn’t be happier.
They are going to have the group over to reveal the big news.
So Simone and Cecil are in the kitchen preparing food.
The group starts arriving and the alcohol is flowing.
Toya and Contessa are actually friendly towards each other and even hug.
Heavenly wants to talk to Mariah about what she’s learned about herself, but realizes the party isn’t the time or place.
When everyone gets settled, Simone and Cecil tell everyone that Cecil has moved back in.
Both thank everyone for the support. Had they not have been so helpful at the reunion, the divorce would have happened.
So the whole group has a toast to the good news.
Heavenly isn’t here for the female bartenders.
Not too long after, the husbands go down to the basement to have their bonding time. There are two female bartenders at the bar when they get there.
After Simone notices it has gotten quiet in the basement, she sends Heavenly and Contessa to check on the men.
When they get down there, both are surprised to see two female bartenders there.
Heavenly immediately asks the women why they are there.
In a green screen interview, Heavenly calls Damon out for this.
After the women head back upstairs, Eugene says that he wants to have another get together for the men including Greg. He feels bad that Greg’s been pushed away from the group thanks to the divorce.
The ladies discuss the couple’s trip.
Toya says she feels like Quad shouldn’t come to the next one if she’s going alone. She feels it’s unfair to have single people on the trips.
Quad argues against this and says that her being around other couples helps her learn healthy habits to apply to her next relationship. In a green screen interview, Quad questions Toya’s motives. She feels like Toya is now trying to push her out of the group.
Greg gives an update.
The fellas meet up at Top Golf.
Not too long after, Greg shows up.
“We miss you, brother. Big time. – Cecil
Greg tells them he came home to a vacated house, and the sleep number bed was gone too.
He also reveals that he found out about the divorce papers after Quad texted him that there was documents left for him in the mailbox.
When Damon asks if there’s any chance that Greg and Quad can reconcile, Greg doesn’t think so.
What are your thoughts on the episode?