‘Queen Sugar’ Recap: Calvin’s Ex-Wife Confronts Nova + Charley Delivers Bad News

Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 2
Photo Credit: OWN

Darla and Ralph Angel choose wedding invitations.

It’s after Darla and Ralph Angel began their engagement and they’re picking out invitations for the wedding, and engagement party. Darla wants a small and stylish wedding. And she wants Ralph Angel to pick their honeymoon spot. He tells Darla he wants to go to New York and catch a show on Broadway.

They’re also not concerned with any eminent domain issues from Parker or anyone else. Things really feel like they’re moving up for the two of them.

Meanwhile, Charley stops by Parker’s office for an appointment. However, Parker canceled their meeting. After expressing her displeasure to the receptionist, Charley calls Nova as she feels like something is up. Nova suggests to Charley to take a self-care hour and then asks for advice about meeting Calvin’s family. Charley tells her she’s got this and can handle whatever Calvin’s family throws at her.

Prosper is worried about the Coronavirus.

Prosper’s with Hollywood at the Clubhouse and Hollywood’s excited about the opening. Hollywood is filling the bookshelf with many books for self-help and business. Prosper tells them how he, Ernest, and other farmers used to do the same thing when they were younger. He also tells Prosper this place will be a go-to spot for when things get tough.

Interestingly enough, Prosper expresses concern about a new virus that hit Seattle. He’s afraid the virus could take him on to glory. Hollywood tells him it’ll have to get through him first.

Later on, Blue is teaching Darla how to play chess when Darla tells Ralph Angel about a training opportunity at work. Ralph Angel congratulates Darla about this although Darla is nervous about it.

Back at her office, Charley has a conversation and learns about people becoming spooked about a virus. So much so, people aren’t flying as much. Micah then calls but the call is brief. He wants Charley to come up to the campus and wants her to make sure his dad is there. Charley asks to meet him at the dorm and Micah insists that can’t happen.

Calvin brings Nova to meet his family.

Nova makes it to Calvin’s parent’s house and meets his mom. Calvin’s mom happily greets Nova which puts Nova slightly at ease. However, when Calvin takes Nova to meet Grandpa Greer, Nova presents a gift; Greer’s favorite bottle of whiskey. Emily, Calvin’s daughter, comes over and hugs Nova. Nova then gives her a necklace. Calvin’s mom looks on with a look much different from when Calvin first introduced her to Nova. Calvin catches it.

At the farm, Charley gives advice to Darla about the opportunity at work. Darla has to interview for the training program and Charley gives her tips on how to ace it. Darla’s nervous because of her past but Charley tells her to focus on the future, specifically a future with her in the role.

Later on, Hollywood calls to get Ralph Angel over to the spot so they can finish up before opening. When Hollywood hangs up, Aunt Vi presents a sign called “The Real Spot” to Hollywood. She also tells Hollywood she’s proud of him. To celebrate, they’re going to re-enact their first date.

The next day, Charley and Davis are on campus. They head to where Micah said to meet them and they can’t find them. Suddenly, they are in the middle of a new member presentation for Micah’s fraternity. They are unaware Micah pledged and shocked to see Micah unmasked. Davis asks why he didn’t know Micah was joining a fraternity and Charley responds she didn’t know. Meanwhile, Micah notices Charley is displeased and sees Keke flirting with a vendor.

Calvin’s ex-wife gets shady.

Back at Calvin’s Grandfather’s party, Nova is introduced to James, Calvin’s son. James keeps it short as Calvin’s ex-wife shows up. Calvin asks Nova if she wants to leave but Nova says she’s fine. His ex-wife Hailey walks over and things immediately get ugly. Hailey says Nova did everything to destroy the family and she questions how does it feel to be the other woman.

Nova keeps her composure as Calvin and Hailey argue. Hailey then brings up how Calvin has a “type” which is dark-skinned women and how he likes them “thick.”

Calvin responds and says Nova was the only one he ever loved.

They then leave as Hailey cries.

Back at the dorm, Micah hosts Charley. Charley warns Micah she’s going to have him come home if the virus hits St Joe’s. She then asks why he joined a fraternity with such a “bad reputation.” She also wonders why Micah didn’t join Davis’ frat. Micah says they didn’t want him and he didn’t need to consult with Charley or Davis.

Charley responds, saying she didn’t realize Micah wanted his independence and she will honor it.

Calvin consoles Nova.

Meanwhile, Calvin and Nova are out walking. Nova asks Calvin how many black women he’s been with. She then demands to know if Calvin fetishizes black women. Calvin responds that he like women of all shades and there is only one woman he’s ever loved; Nova. Nova sheds a tear as Calvin caresses her face.

Back on campus, Keke and Micah are hanging out. He asks Keke if she felt uncomfortable seeing him dance with the girls during the ceremony. He also asks who she was talking to during the event. Keke tells him it’s a classmate named Darrell and his dad owns a repair shop in Lafayette.

It’s the evening and Darla and Ralph Angel are running late for an event. They hear a news story about the virus cases increasing. Ralph Angel says he’s not worried but Darla is, especially for the older people in the community.

The next day, Charley is getting message after message about the Coronavirus, including an emergency council meeting. Meanwhile, Darla’s preparing for her interview, fighting back tears. She gives herself a pep talk in the mirror as Ralph Angel looks on. He tells her they’d be d**n lucky to have her.

St. Joe’s shuts down due to the Coronavirus.

Charley listens to the meeting virtually. She learns that other countries are conducting lockdowns and St. Joe’s may need to do the same soon. This worries Charley. Unaware of the impending drama, Hollywood, dressed in his best cream-colored leisure suit, sweeps up around “The Real Spot,” playing 80’s R&B music. He pours up two glasses of wine as Aunt Vi walks in for their date.

They proceed with their date and Hollywood lays on the compliments thick. They reenact their memories and Hollywood tells Aunt Vi she was a woman that was in full control and he loved it. Aunt Vi says they are blessed they’ve made it together for 18 years and they have many more to go.

Charley calls Aunt Vi with an important message. Meanwhile, Calvin and Nova are watching President Trump’s address to the nation about the Coronavirus as the NBA canceled their season due to the pandemic. Charley tells Aunt Vi and Hollywood Covid-19 is in the United States. There’s conflicting information about how to proceed to protect their citizens.

Prosper gets the news too and immediately gets worried. In St. Joe’s, Charley tells Aunt Vi that the restaurant will have to close for a few weeks. When she hangs up, Aunt Vi delivers the bad news to Hollywood.

In the morning, Aunt Vi puts up a sign that says they’ll be back April 1st.

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