Darla and Ralph Angel quickly set up their wedding.
The sun’s rising on the farm and Ralph Angel and Darla are on the front porch. They are planning out their wedding ceremony out on the farmland. Darla hopes this event gives hope and happiness to everyone amid everything going on with the virus.
She’s also nervous about her parents showing up and her mom seeing she’s finally matured and far away from her addiction, and wants to ask Charley to be her maid of honor.
Later on, Blue’s jubilant to learn his parents are having a wedding. Meanwhile, Aunt Vi gets a call from Hollywood as she’s frustrated about the impromptu wedding cakes she’s baking. Hollywood can’t make it, unfortunately, as he has to square everything away surrounding his mother’s passing. Due to the pandemic, he’s not permitted to have a proper ceremony to honor her life. Aunt Vi promises they’ll have a proper homegoing. She then does all that she can to keep Hollywood’s spirits up.
Nova’s looking through pictures of her and Ralph Angel when they were kids. She’s enamored with Ralph Angel and Darla getting married later in the day. Calvin tells Nova that Darla’s honored to be a part of her family. But Nova says she treated Darla badly in the past.
Darla’s mom is extremely proud.
Later in the day, Ralph Angel’s busy building the backdrop for the wedding. Darla suggests they drape the platform with yellow fabric. Blue calls out letting them know Charley’s coming over to help. Charley’s excited to help and planned an impromptu Zoom bachelorette party. Even Darla’s mom Darlene showed up. They all give Darla positive words, including her mom. Although Darlene can’t make it, she’s very happy for her.
Darla tells them Blue took an IQ test and found out he’s gifted. Meanwhile, Hollywood and Ralph Angel talk. Hollywood had his mom cremated and will spread her ashes on a lake they frequented. Ralph Angel tells Hollywood to take it one day at a time and it’s absolutely okay if he can’t make the wedding. In fact, Ralph Angel calls him his Best Man no matter what.
When the Bachelorette Party ends, Charley jokes that she’ll give Darla a proper party in Las Vegas when the pandemic is over. However, Ralph Angel is somber about Hollywood being unable to attend and be his Best Man. Charley suggests he ask Micah to stand in for Hollywood.
On a lighter note, they end up teasing each other and racing through the sugar cane as they did when they were kids.
Charley made it back home and is picking out her clothes for the wedding. Neither she nor Micah have the shade of yellow that Darla and Ralph Angel want everyone to wear.
As they get dressed, Charley tells Micah a story about she was late for her own wedding. This happened because she was really nervous and second-guessing marrying Davis.
Darla receives a wonderful gift from Nova and Charley.
Back at the farm, Ralph Angel tells Blue he isn’t nervous about marrying Darla. Micah shows up and makes Ralph Angel more nervous for a second as he joked about not having Darla’s wedding band. Meanwhile, Charley checks on Darla and she’s nervous, too. She absolutely wants to marry Ralph Angel but she has so much regret about things she did in the past. Charley tells Darla that everything that happened in the past happened for a reason.
She then gives Darla a letter from Trudy; Ralph Angel’s mom. Nova gifted the letter, which was written when Ralph Angel was born. Darla tears up when she reads the letter.
It’s time for the ceremony and Aunt Vi is there. As she’s talking, Hollywood shows up, surprising her.
Darla walks down the aisle.
As the ceremony gets started, Blue is the ring bearer and presents Micah with Darla’s rings. Next, Charley walks down the aisle as Darla’s maid of honor. Lastly, Darla walks down the aisle as Ralph Angel stands next to the pastor officiating the wedding. They’re both dressed in white as they’re surrounded by yellow flowers.
As the Pastor officiates the wedding, Darla and Ralph Angel can’t keep their eyes off one another. Ralph Angel tears up as he says his wedding vows to Darla. Darla shades tears of her own as she says her vows. Although Darlene isn’t there in person, she’s watching the ceremony on Zoom.
After the vows, Micah gives Ralph Angel Darla’s rings and places them on her finger as the pastor speaks. Darla then does the same and the pastor announces them as Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Angel Bordelon.
Darlene has a pretty bold suggestion about Blue.
After the wedding, they have the reception as Micah takes pictures. Ralph Angel secures Darla’s garter and throws it at Micah. Charley picks it up, as everyone else laughs.
Meanwhile, Aunt Vi is wrapping up the wedding cake and talking to Darlene. As they talk, Darlene suggests to Aunt Vi that Blue attend the same prestigious school the Obama daughters attended back in Washington D.C.
Back at the reception, Hollywood gives a moving toast to Darla and Ralph Angel, while proclaiming his own love and support for Aunt Vi. Calvin and Nova look on and Calvin asks Nova if she sees them ever getting married. Nova says their differences are becoming gifts to one another in ways she could never imagine.
After everything calms down, Nova visits her mom’s gravesite. She knows their mom looked down upon the wedding and is proud of Ralph Angel and Darla. Nova tells her mom Ralph Angel is finally happy and she feels different too. She prays to her mom and her other ancestors, asking for their guidance. Lastly, she places flowers onto the tombstone.
Eventually, Darla and Ralph Angel cut the cake and everyone ends the night at peace.