Sukihana has a controversial relationship with Kill Bill.
“Love And Hip Hop Miami” star Sukihana is no stranger to controversy. She’s built a solid fan base because her fans believe she is always true to herself. And she doesn’t allow other people’s opinions to make her ever change course. Nor does she back down to backlash she may receive on social media from people who think she’s just too polarizing. So she continues to be transparent on the show. And she shows a lot of her personal life.
On the current season, Sukihana has decided to open up about her on and off romance with Kill Bill. They have caught the attention of many on social media with their controversial actions. But fans of LHHMIA feel like their actual relationship has seemed toxic on the show.
In fact, some fans have accused Sukihana of letting fame get to her head. They believe she mistreats Bill and she doesn’t respect him because she’s more successful than him. And in certain scenes, she’s been accused of talking to him in a very disrespectful way.
Well, Sukihana hasn’t been happy with how she’s been portrayed on the show. And she broke down what the issues are recently on social media.
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