It’s the end of an era for Ceaser.
“Black Ink Crew” ended its latest season on a very controversial note. As we reported, Ceaser was fired from the show. VH1 parted ways with the Black Ink bossman after a video of him allegedly beating a dog went viral on social media. Donna was one of the first stars of the show to bring attention to the matter. She challenged the network to part ways with Ceaser. And she didn’t have much empathy for Ceaser when they did remove him from the platform. In Donna’s opinion, Ceaser just got his much-deserved karma. Regardless, Ceaser was vocal about his disappointment about how things unfolded.
Ceaser thinks producers should have taken more time to investigate the situation. In fact, he doesn’t think that it was handled in a way that matched the sensitivity of the matter. He accused his ex-girlfriend Suzette of being behind the leak of the video. Ceaser confirmed that the footage was recorded by his security camera. And he alleged that she was very upset that he chose to walk away from their relationship. Interestingly enough, Suzette denied leaking the video. However, those who are close to Ceaser still think she was responsible. Tatti told her supporters that she believes Suzette leaked the video out of spite.
It’s unclear if “Black Ink Crew” will be renewed for another season.
On the season finale, one of the main questions everyone kept asking is if “Black Ink Crew” could continue without Ceaser at the helm. Some of the cast members just don’t think the show can exist without him. They pointed out that the majority of the time the narratives of the past seasons have always been from Ceaser’s perspective.
And while Puma and Teddy are fully aware of Ceaser’s importance to the show, they still didn’t think that killing the show off is fair to everyone else. The two men pondered keeping the show alive by opening up their own shop. As of now, the show’s future is unknown.
Ceaser shared his final thoughts.
Interestingly enough, Ceaser had some things to say after the season finale aired. In an Instagram post, he wrote, “I will lead with this……Thank you. Thank you for 10 years of love, laughs, and lessons. I am blessed beyond measure, having had some of the best experiences of my life. Surrounded by some of the most amazing people I could ever hope to build this dream with. I have learned a lot, and I have been humbled, having overcome insurmountable odds both publicly and privately. It is my hope that within these 10 years I have done more good than otherwise, and provided more blessings than some would have you believe.”
He continued, “As with most great works of art, I am confident that my role will be interpreted in various ways. And that’s ok. My paramount objective has ALWAYS been to provide a safe place for creativity, and the upward mobility for creators. I hope that in these 10 remarkable years I have done just that. There will never be anything like what we have done and set into motion. Thank you. #blackinkforever”
I really enjoyed Black Ink & will certainly miss the show and all the amazing characters. Although I don’t condone what Ceaser did, I believe he deserved a 2nd chance. After all for four years we had a president given chance after chance despite all his indescretions !
When animals have more value then human life it’s a shame. I have pets also and love them , however Ceaser played such a epic part in Black Ink which open doors for many other platforms. To through this all away over a mistake thst happened several years ago is unfair. I hope he sues!
I don’t think his Ex girlfriend did it I believe the building he live in the security people saw it and they send it in.
That was his house now building
It’s not a building he lives in it’s his house and I really do think she did this to him.because he was leaving her to mend things with his daughter
He doesn’t live in a building that was his house
Me too
Animals are defenseless & your post clearly shows that you are an animal abuse advocate
Animals are God’s gift to man. Also we as human, who were made in the image of God, BUT, to be human is to error! There is a punishment for ALL illegal acts of some kind; but after punishment, we RESUME. The man deserves a second chance. FORGIVENESS after repentance is the humane thing to do. Let’s not hold grudges!
Everyone deserves a 2nd chance even Ceaser. Donna’s made because Alex chose black ink,
and Suzette made because her man left her a 2nd time. Give Ceaser a 2nd chance.
God would 🙏
I’m going to miss black ink. I wish they would give Cesar another chance. He have done more good than he have done that and he has helped a lot of people get on a seat motivate them selves doing better for themselves..
Even hurt Donna got on and now bringing him down
I totally agree give him a second chance though this is sad we have men who beat women on tv that’s sad we have pedos also give him a second chance.
I also believe Caesar deserves another chance . We all made some mistakes in life that we regret and I’m sure he does as well
I think it should be a program for him to take before giving him a second chance but definitely he deserves one.
Me too ! Forever a Black Ink Ceaser fan!! I’ve watched the entire cast grow and evolve and it’s been FUN!!😍😍🥰🥰😘😘
I 100% agree. Please allow him a second opportunity. I will definitely miss the show. I don’t condone what he done. Forgiveness!!!!
Perfectly Said!! Renei Perez
Totally agree
He hit a dog with a chair several times kicked them dogs and all his ass need to be in jail animal cruelty TF
It was noted that the dog turned on him when he tried to break them apart. My dog would have have got his a-s beat you if he turned on me…ijs.
A dog turn on me yes, beat his butt. Caesar knows that he can’t control his employees life outside of the job. He is not God and this may have made him think about him saying I Am Black Ink, no you had others that helped you make Black ink. A boss doesn’t go around telling their employees who they can date, if they can go to another place of business and so on.
I see you are the type to kick someone when their down, God forbid you ever make a mistake!!!
Agree 100%
Biden hasn’t been president for 4 years yet, and no he should be removed from office immediately.
That was his second chance did you forget he abused his child
I am a Black Ink fan and has watched from day one. Yes, Caesar kicked the dog and he explained why he did it. Why would this come out after the break up of him and his girlfriend 🤔🤔🤔. I hope the show comes back and Caeser is the boss. There has been growth in him as a boss and he did the right thing firing those ladies even if I didn’t agree with him saying they don’t like you anyway, that wasn’t a boss move. They had been warned about fighting. Bring the show back. We would love to see Puma and Teddy open up a shop with the regular crew.
It’s a shame that the show has ended over a minor technicality. I see absolutely no fault in what Cesar did. I DO NOT condone the mistreatment of animals but maybe the dog needed to be reprimanded. As I stated before, I do not condone the mistreatment of animals but I do believe that if a animal is behaving poorly, that animal should be punished. Now I’m not saying that you should take it as far as Michael Vick took it, absolutely not. But there should be some lessons to be learned.
You sound confused like an internal joust is playing out.
He didn’t just kick the dog , he also hit it with a chair if you look at the video 🤷🏾♂️. But I understand everyone does deserve a second chance maybe some type of animal awareness seminars or classes and of course a donation. Then let him return after awhile.🤷🏾♂️
Time for the show to end.It was getting snoozingly repetitive.
I love the show and the cast! Spider brings that New York blast from the past flavor, I love Puma and his whole life with his Family. We’ve literally watched them grow up! I love Bae…. hey Bae I’m coming for a cover up tattoo! I am from a different generation and this show has captured my age group since the first Season. A group of talented Artist, I love them all. Vh1, don’t take their platform away and don’t take another show from your Black audience.
The show is a great show been watching since day 1. Yes he made a mistake and should not be taken off the air. Bring back ceaser please.
I love this show I want to see walt back on again even though he did wrong
VH1 axed a Black Entrepreneur without due process … maybe we should axe the station.
Never thought of it like that. Ryan that owns 9Mag in Chicago decided not to do the show anymore. I loved seeing the black tattoo shows minus all the fighting and back biting.
I agree 🪓 VH-1
I dont wish bad on no one and VH1 need to give Ceaser another chance. I am also a Black Inkfan and watched from the beginning with Sky and Dutchess. I too think it was out of Suzette or Donna. But hitting the dog with a chair is a NO GO!! Ceasar I am going to tell you on IG you need to GO live and also do a live with VH! and apologize to the American people.
Here we go with Ceaser doing his usual damage control… Bro is very toxic! I just read a comment about his growth as a boss. Are you serious? There was zero growth! The guy had an ego the size of California! He was a horrible boss! Even if Bro worms his way back on TV or into the hearts of viewers, I will never forget the video of him abusing his doggo. Bro DOES NOT deserve a pass!
You are the same dude that was on that show 60 days in LMMFAO my G your whole comment looks like you want some attn… so here you go , first there’s a saying you spot it you got it!!!! Dude your ego was so large yet so small God is the only person who is allowed to say who gets a pass dude your a-s need to be asking for some forgiveness for making such a HUGE A-SHOLE of yourself darling on that d-mn scripted and filmed a-s show that you couldn’t even get through
I agree with you about Caesar and his horrible management skills, but I love the show without him! Everyone else can carry that show, and Vh1 needs to extend Grace to Caesar. God will humble you, and Caesar has been exalting himself above Almighty and that’s a NO!
I 100% agree with you. I used to love Caesar until that ego grew out of control. Caesar started to think of himself as a king!
I hope the other crew members are not punished because of him.
You sound crazy everyone deserves a second chance or maybe more. This is this man’s livelihood and the cast members. I say VH1 should think twice before getting rid of Ceasars. Forever a BLACK INK FAN
GOD FORGIVES. NO ONE IS PERFECT. COME ON VH1. U guys have had worse than that. CEASAR is BLACK INK….
Well first off the I understand that what he has done was wrong. But you can’t take the fact that this man took his shop and helped three different states get shows off his brand. He has helped so many people over a 10 year spand. I feel as if they should have looked at the whole situation and talked to him before making decisions. Granted it was definitely wrong but if your dog attack you what would you do. Always think about yourself in situations and when would you do if your dog attack you. It clearly shows that. But hey God has the last say so. And he will be redeemed. So just take into consideration that no one is perfect. There was only one person that was perfect and his name is Jesus. So don’t be quick to judge. But I will pray for all. He deserves a second chance just like all other of your employees on your platform of vh1. Let’s be mindful because I watch a lot of there productions. And clearly if you take actions against him then you should take actions against others just saying
would not hit the dog with a chair. Kicking it is cool. But Lucky Chucky is right VH1 Looked at alot of things before the firing. If you have a big ego to your viewers who are paying your salary, I understand but in the same breath he never made a mistake before he needs to apologize to everyone, he has the platform to do it.
Kicking it is cool? OMG I hope u don’t have a pet.
I have watched black ink crew from when it first started and I’ve always looked forward to watched it every week so for Donna and Suzette to have done that to Ceasar is so devilish but karma will come back and bite those girls for doing wrong to him, I know it was wrong but VH1 needs to give Ceasar another chance everyone makes mistakes in life. He have helped out and give chances after to chances to all his employees and I loved all of them. But it’s true there is no black ink without Ceaser another chance is needed. Hope everything works out in the coming New Year much love ❤
You will have haters as you know and you will have ppl that truly love you and really rocks with you No matter what and this situation will allow you to see who’s for you for real and who’s always been hating on you. Eyes open and place you feet flat on the ground and stand up. I have made respect and love for you. BLACKINK4LIFE
I am a serious dog lover and perhaps there should have been more due process with Cesar. How about suspension from the show rather than firing? There must be some other reasoning VH1 had that they have not disclosed to the public. Black Ink should definitely continue on with the main Ink masters. They are incredibly talented and actors in their own right. Chicago and Compton are doing very well so why not New York? We all know Cesar was at the helm and will not be forgotten. There’s no reason to cancel the show.
I love the show and thought that Ceasar was doing food things but he started changing when his money got up. He had the big head and didnt care about the ppl anymore. It was all about HIS brand and noone else could have their own without him wanting his hand in. And this comment was supposed to be about what he did to that dog not about REFLECTING. He never mentioned the incident except that his ex exposed him. It dont matter who told on u, it matters is that u were abusing the dog. Speak on THAT. Please and thank u😉
Don’t know exactly what Caesar did…heard it was something to do with animal abuse caught on video (leaked by ex- girlfriend to Donna who was only too happy to continue the leak). I do not condone animal abuse & anyone guilty of this should be punished. Also, sounds like Donna & the ex are out for revenge–blaming someone else for peeing in their own pants! Sorry to see the show go out like this!
You know when black people get money and status people will do anything to bring them down especially if they are on the get back at you bus. Bring Ceasar and his show back, this is the 1st show about Black and people of color tattoo artist and alot of people love the show!!!!
I have watch Black ink Crew ever since it came on everybody deserves a second chance he made a mistake nobody’s perfect only God give the man a second chance give him a chance to explain himself and everybody needs to stop judging him Caesar’s a good guy he’s helped a lot of people and if it wasn’t for season they would be no black ink
Ceaser has helped alot of people. Gave alot of peopl3 2nd, 3rd, 4th chances. Why can’t he atleast get another chance. Bitter a-s people need to let go and move on.
Caesar doesn’t deserve another chance I have two dogs and love them to death. That’s like saying he can hit his daughter with a chair and that’s ok . H-ll no , no more chances .
Ceaser should be given a second chance. The Dogs have more rights than humans. The cast members hit each other for 10 years The show continues. Ceasar Kick the Dog he gets fired.thats not fair. Alot of Reality shows have fighting. If you kick A Dog VH1 might fire you that’s wrong. Ceasar should get another chances without Ceasar Cancel the show. Ceasar is the show!!
He talked about others ruining his brand as it turned out he ruined his brand. He should have been been gone cause he’s known for his temper so now he has to face karma.
Please just punish him and fine him but dont cancel the show. A whole lot of people watch and like all the other actors to. PUNISH HIM BUT KEEP THE SHOW PLEASE.
No one in this world is perfect and chances to give that person the opportunity to fix their wrongs should not be held against them forever. Everyone is always deserving of 2nd and sometimes even more chances to show and prove themselves. Black Ink has shown just that throughout the years.
Its a good thing the workers can still work, they are tattoo artists and they can at least still do tattoos and make their money, if the show is canceled it cant stop them from doing what they all do best. So that’s a blessing for them. Good luck to all the tattoo artists on the show and keep your heads up. I say it again punish Ceaser but dont end the show.
I think Caesar and the show deserves a second chance the naysayers that was fired from the show is bitter and vindictive and kicking him now he is down he did a lot of good through that show.
You don’t kick a dog period…..
I don’t care who you are or what your status is….ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES…PERIOD! Sometime those consequences are life long and ruin futures. People need to learn how to manage their anger instead of physically abusing dogs, people etc.. Think before you act!
Don’t minimize the fact that it was an animal that he abused. That is a sign of bigger mental health issues. Yes, it’s statically a fact that 71% of animal abusers also abuse the opposite sex and 88% have been known to abuse children.
He was tough enough to beat his dog so he can put his big boy pants on and deal with the “tough man” consequences.
I hope he takes some valuable lessons away from everything that has transpired. Live and learn!
I’m sure he will take advantage of new opportunities and I do wish him the best in his next venture.
I hope he gets the help he needs and grows into being a better version of himself.
We all know even a dog get tired of being kicked but Cesar is human too. Big mistake and I think he’s sorry and needs discipline for his actions, but not 10 years worth and also cast and viewers expense NO?
I pray that he is forgiven and they take him back. I am sure that he is more than sorry. And besides….we all have done something wrong. It is called being human
Give him another chance. My goodness..
What Ceasar did was wrong! But I feel the networt response was heavy handed. I’ve seen human cruelty, racism, sexism and abuse on these reality shows without any repercussions! It seems too me “the pick and choose your battles” is at play here. Someone is running their own agenda it’s working because animal cruelty is a hot button issue! If enough Black Ink fans protest they will rethink their hard-nosed decision. Ceasar will be back at the helm of Black Ink with a Public Service Announcement about Animal rights and cruelty. #bringbackceasar
Well, I see it like this what you’re doing to Cezers RAW if he was a white dude they probably would’ve never even said nothing but check this out another network to pick them up and start a new he can get a second chance somewhere else because wherever he goes, he’ll be the best And they will lose. They think they made enough money out of him these last 10 years but what they don’t see is the next 10 years of being even more so let them go another networks and pick him up how about that?
Well, I see it like this what you’re doing to Cezers RAW if he was a white dude they probably would’ve never even said nothing but check this out another network to pick them up and start a new he can get a second chance somewhere else because wherever he goes, he’ll be the best And they will lose. They think they made enough money out of him these last 10 years but what they don’t see is the next 10 years of being even more so let them go another networks and pick him up how about that? Oh now you don’t want my comment to go through wow and y’all talk about Cesar you’ll need to think about what you’re doing. You’re going to lose no matter what you’ll never get another soldier show like black ink. I don’t care what teddy improvement do they’ll never be Cesar so y’all could try it if you’d like but I nobody gonna watch that
Listen, the misspelling of these words are killing me. What I was saying is there will never be another black ink, Teddy and plumber can do what they want to do. They can open up all the shops they want to open up. They never be Cesar so they think they gonna move it and take his spot sadly mistaken you don’t have it like that some people got it some people don’t Teddy you and plumber don’t have it so check this out. Stop trying to be somebody else stop trying to duplicate somebody else’s shit why don’t want to Cesar if I was being attacked by a dog I will do my best to save my life. Lotta animals turn on new owners for one reason or another, we don’t know why do dogs act like he did a Cesar deserve a second chance, but not with y’all he need a new network and new people in his life that really care about his future. Really care about what a black man is going and what the black man is trying to do for his people , they just trying to stop that like they always try to stop us black from doing what we do this that’s all I got to say man hail Caesar how about that?
I agree. Teddy wasn’t even a good actor in True to the Game 2 and 3. He just stood up like a robot as he does in Black Ink. I like Puma and he shows more leadership. I hope the show is renewed with or without.
I feel like puma should lead the show especially if Cease comes back, Caesar had a long run & blew it on his own.. puma is a much more calm collected mind like a business on TV should have. drama doesn’t make success, it makes ppl stupid.
Listen this some bs. People have to stop acting like they’re perfect. I have a dog an I love her but ceaser doesn’t deserve to lose his show period. Bring him back on now thanks. Stop it all these criminals in tv stop it.
I miss Caesar!!. Bring the show back on Already!!!
I loved Black ink NY every single episode & the Characters watching in the UK. The best genuine reality show there is…💯
When it disappeared off the screens I was lost..till I could stream it again.
However,….I began to wonder why it was called black ink when all the women were not black 🤔…..Donna was/is a tramp, Sky is clearly on something with that erratic behavior, Melody has identity issues due to being biracial….Only Young Bae wears the crown..👑…intelligent, hardworking & Selfless women…. Walt brought in Jadah the only real black women…Teddy has black mommy issues..how many passes did he give sky even when she beat his ass…..yet he sacked Jadah….look how he/they all treated her…Kitty & Tatiana…..what is their purpose??…apart from being clout chasers…😖🙉
Ceasar needs to return…it wouldnt & couldn’t be the same show without him. He should own up & face the consequences for his mistreatment to the dog. But everyone deserves a 2nd chance!!….Please bring back black ink!!…..
at the end of the day you guys know it plays a big race card effect as a young black entrepreneur every time the public will make it worst than the situation already is I personally lost all respect for VH1 because they took no actions when the situation was going on concerning his parenting so as I say they are very unloyal to ceaser and at the end of the day they should have been boycotted for that, no one was interested in watching that channel so frequent until black ink crew started they show ,no one was really concern about VH1 programs the only show had that much ratings if more was LOVE N HIP HOP