Things went left between Lyrica Anderson and Shekinah Jo from the start on “VH1: Family Reunion.”
“Love And Hip Hop Atlanta” star Shekinah Jo has been clashing with “Love And Hip Hop Hollywood” star Lyrica Anderson. It’s been tension between the two ladies from their very first interaction on the current season of “VH1: Family Reunion.” Lyrica approached Shekinah in an attempt to speak. She held her hand out for a handshake, however, Shekinah wasn’t interested. After she refused to shake Lyrica’s hand, Lyrica was taken aback. She walked off and was in a state of confusion. As for Shekinah, she explained her actions in a green-screen interview. And she said that Lyrica sent her an Instagram DM asking if she could promote one of her songs. But when Shekinah read Lyrica’s bio, she misunderstood the “Follow Back” prompt. She thought that it was Lyrica herself demanding Shekinah follow her back on the social media platform.
The misunderstanding turned into a feud once the women clashed again during another scene. Shekinah eventually said that another problem she had with Lyrica is that someone in LA told her Lyrica didn’t want to associate with her. And Lyrica worried that Shekinah could be a bad look for her music career and brand.
Lyrica said she never said anything like this because she doesn’t even know Shekinah. Regardless, Shekinah said this is what she was told. After another argument ensued, Shekinah told Lyrica she needed to go be a mother to her son. At this point, Lyrica wanted to put her hands on Shekinah. Luckily, security and other cast members were able to keep them from having a violent moment.
Lyrica Anderson put her hands on Shekinah Jo.
When they had a blowup in yet another scene, Shekinah brought up Lyrica’s mother, Lyrica Garrett, a one-hit-wonder. This resulted in Lyrica needing to be restrained again by cast members and security.
Well, Lyrica decided to take her feud with Shekinah to the next level on the recent episode of “VH1: Family Reunion.” During an event for the cast, Lyrica walked right on over to where Shekinah was sitting. And she said, “I just wanna tell you, don’t talk about my son or my ************* mother!”
Cameras recorded a slapping sound and then panned to Lyrica grabbing Shekinah’s foot as she tried to get off of the couch. The other cast members couldn’t believe what they were witnessing. But Lyrica kept going and eventually, the two women were separated.
Shekinah was outraged about being assaulted since she doesn’t fight. As for Lyrica, she had no remorse. And she felt like being sent home is worth it because Shekinah went too far with her insults.
I love shenika but she do come off hard if you really don’t know her but Lyrica should of not did what she did
I’m not for violence but Shenika’s funky attitude and mouth will get her slap, talking about that girl son and mother was out place..The argument was about them, Shenika need a place to fix in, so she always starting and being drama..DIARRHEA OF THE MOUTH…open a Shop an do some HAIR, sometime , anytime..you never see her home or anything..
I agree. Shenaquah has really gotten worse. I use to like her but she is acting like she got it going on.
Lyrica was wrong for assaulting Shekinah. However, Shekinah is an antagonizer who is mentally ill and should not be allowed on any more reality tv shows. She brings a lot of negativity because of her emotional duress. Lyrica should have remained in control because the first hit no matter what comes before it, is what will cause you to be dismissed, fired or put in jail.
I am team Lyrica in spite of her wrong. That’s just my opinion.
Inger I was just about to come on here and say Shekinah is an antagonizer and I have no sympathy for her in this situation. She’s exhausting and I wish they would stop putting her on this show. She really did start a problem with Lyrica for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
So sorry that Lyrica couldn’t contain herself but Shekinah is way too messy. I believe she has a mental problem and she went too far with talking about one’s family. Eventually someone was going to go upside her head unfortunately it was Lyrica. I’m team Lyrica
Shekinah is mad at TI and Tiny and she’s unleashing that anger on a whole bunch of people that didn’t do anything to her. She’s mean as h-ll. I can’t even be too mad at Lyrica for eventually snapping.
I don’t condone violence but Lyrica had enough of her disrespect. Good for Lyrica, that girl is always in everybody business.
I mean when you keep poking the bear and keep poking the bear that’s what you get. Don’t be talking all hard about ppl families and you not bout that life. She luck all she got was a mush to the face. She need to be quiet do hair and stay outta ppl business. Period.
I swear I don’t condone violence, but that hit was so freaking WEAK from Lyrica that ion even know how it’s considered an assault? 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️ Maybe a love tap. 😄 But she shouldn’t have attempted in the first place. I understand though, cuz Shekinah’s mouth is 24/7 for her not to be a fighter. She would of got popped from me too but my ish would of landed. 😌
So true cause shekinka has a very slick mouth and honey you are right me myself would of pop her in her mouth
Istg! 😩
seeking is just a messy person,she can start a whole lot of drama with no backup TEAM LYRICA
Family is off limits…period!!
The only thing I feel Lyrica was wrong was slapping Shekinah at an event but they all do it. I don’t need an audience nor someone stopping me.
Shekinah does a whole lotta speaking on others then apologizing later.
Ok Vh1…did y’all plant Shekinah just to be messy hoping someone was going to do what Lyrica did?