Tiffany Whitlow has been accused of being too messy on LAMH.
“Love & Marriage: Huntsville” star Tiffany Whitlow rubbed some of her costars the wrong way due to her actions on the current season. As we reported, Tiffany’s comments to Sheree Whitfield didn’t sit well with Martell Holt. Tiffany asked Sheree what it feels like to date Martell since he’s known publicly for being a cheater. In response, Sheree reminded Tiffany that she cheated on her first husband. So Sheree felt like Tiffany was being hypocritical. Tiffany doesn’t see it that way. She said she’s changed but Martell hasn’t demonstrated that he’s changed since destroying his marriage.
Tiffany also asked Sheree if she’s ever met Melody. Sheree said they only met once at her book signing years ago. But she doesn’t feel the need to have a relationship with Melody at this point. And Tiffany was baffled by this. She told Sheree that she would want to know any woman who will be around her children often.
Martell and Marsau Scott confronted Tiffany for her actions. And they told her she crossed the line.
Louis Whitlow felt the need to address Martell and Marsau because he didn’t think two men should be checking his pregnant wife about anything. However, Louis will have some words for Tiffany on the upcoming episode of LAMH.
Louis Whitlow calls out Tiffany Whitlow.
In a preview, Tiffany tells Louis that she stands by the comments she made regarding Melody and Sheree.
She says, “But one thing that I do stand firm on is I’ve tried many times to extend myself to Mel and Martell and to offer any sort of expertise or experience when it relates to a blended family.”
Tiffany adds, “I want to know from Mel does it even bother her that she’s been around her children and what point is Mel going to be open to meeting her?”
In response, Louis asks Tiffany, “Why does it matter?”
And Tiffany insists her intentions are good, “Because babe I think it’s healthy for their relationship.”
Louis thinks Tiffany isn’t respecting other people’s boundaries, “That’s not your place though, babe. How many times has Mel reached out to you and asked you for advice?”
After Tiffany confirms Melody doesn’t seek co-parenting advice from her, Louis drives his point home, “So sometimes people have to be receptive. Anyways, are we clear? Don’t put me in no ****.”
Big Lou is about to realize that he is tired and Tiffany needs to mind the business that pays her 😂 #LAMH pic.twitter.com/ElFw5ehvdr
— Oprah Winfrey Network (@OWNTV) June 8, 2023
Thank you Lou!!!! Tiffany may mean well, but her advice is not needed or asked for. She needs to stay in her lane and tend to y’all’s business.
Amen & well said! I concur!
I guarantee that went in one ear and out the other…..she’s going to STILL be meddling in everyone business…being messy…. watch…..
Yep lol.
Tiffany does not have good intentions.
She sure doesn’t. She just wants to create drama.
Tiffany is really on one this season and it’s gotten annoying. Is she scared she’s going to get fired so turned up this season? That’s what it seems like to me at least.
I don’t know what Tiffany’s issues are but she truly has some.
I wish her well because in her mind I truly believe she thinks that what she does is normal. No, it isn’t and it can cause some people to get hurt. So, stop, especially while you’re pregnant!
Louis, kudos to you for speaking up for your wife. As in Tiffany’s actions, Martell and Marsau could have approached her differently but she had that coming no matter what time of day it was and with whom. Martell was definitely respectful. Marsau went a little further but he was right.
So, tell Tiffany to sit down and not say everything out of her mouth that pops in her head.
God Bless You, Both!
I’m glad Louis can recognize that Tiffany is wrong and oversteps way too much.
Louis may be the best husband on this show. He will tell his wife when she’s wrong and he doesn’t want to be pulled into any foolishness. Good for him.
Well its about time, Big Lou!!!. Tiffany has been setting him up, all along. She knows Lou is heavy weight and can be intimidating to the other guys. She tries to put him in her garbage and stand back and look like she had nothing to do with it.
Now this is what I love to see. Tell your spouse when they’re wrong and don’t enable their nonsense.
Thank goodness Louis finally said something. Tiffany is out of control. Someone is going to check her really bad
I like big Lou but Tiffany needs to take several seats…… just messy,messy, messy.
Tiffany is trying to make herself relevant so they can stay on the show. That’s why she is being so messy. She knows that she is wrong. Unless she just that stupid.
Tiffany is the very definition of ‘a Karen’!
Opinionated and entitled! And never gives the full story so that she can be the victim if called her actions…