Mireya is worried Miguel will find out about her and Tommy.
Tommy and Mireya are making love at his place when they hear a bang on the door. It is Miguel. He orders Tommy to open the door immediately. Mireya hides so Tommy can open the door.
When Miguel enters, he tells Tommy he knows the Serbs shot up the projects. So it’s time for his crew and CBI to link up. Tommy suggests Miguel has a conversation with his boss Che about no longer selling his drugs to the Serbs to make things hard for them. Miguel tells Tommy not to make any moves on the Serbs until he can come up with the right plan.
After Miguel leaves, Mireya tells Tommy they would have been killed if he found out she was there. But Tommy isn’t worried because he thinks he can take on Miguel if necessary. But Mireya isn’t so sure.
Shanti’s ambitions lead her to Claudia.
Diamond’s PO comes by the barber shop to make him take a drug test. While he’s taking it, they talk about the upcoming fundraiser for the Crimson Projects. Diamond’s PO wants him to speak at the event and denounce CBI there so he can be released from probation sooner. Diamond declines because doing so would be a death sentence.
Jenard’s associate Raheem tells Shanti that Jenard is a liability and since he is, people are questioning her decision-making. She grabs Raheem by the collar to tell him she’s not a fool just because she’s sleeping with Jenard. And she’s smarter than all of them.
Tommy and Diamond hold their first meeting with the rest of the coalition. After they get past the petty arguments, it’s agreed that getting the DSDs to join will make them stronger. Vic watches on as Tommy assures all the men they will get revenge on the Serbs.
Shanti visits Claudia by herself after she watched Jenard turn down her business offer. Shanti tells Claudia that she’s the right person to work with, not Jenard. She has girls who can distribute her pills easily. She and Claudia agree to split the profits equally. CBI can’t know about their deal.
Claudia is impressed by Shanti.
Miguel tells his boss and the Serbs’ connect Che to stop supplying drugs to them because they are causing problems for him and many others. Che is open to this because he has his own issues with the Serbs. He later tells the Serbs he’s cutting them off for all the mess they’ve been creating with multiple crews, including CBI and Miguel.
Vic is told he must wear a “wire” to Tommy’s upcoming meeting with the DSDs if he wants his immunity deal to stand.
Jenard is following Tommy around to see what he’s up to when he sees Mireya leave her car to walk into Tommy’s place. He takes pictures with his phone, giddy to have proof of something that will guarantee Tommy’s death.
Shanti manages to impress Claudia on their first night of working together after she’s able to handle the men who robbed her inside the club. Claudia thinks this is a partnership that could work.
Vic’s bad luck continues.
Diamond attends the charity event for the Crimson Projects. During his speech, he doesn’t renounce CBI. Instead, he makes a speech reminding everyone that they can move on from their past. Leon’s mother Gianna accepts his offer for a date on another day. They sleep together.
Tommy’s meeting with Chavo and DSD goes well. They agree to cut off the Serbs and use Tommy as the connect. Chavo says he didn’t want to work with Miguel anyway. So this deal was right on time.
Shanti tells Jenard about the side hustle she has with Claudia. Although he’s angry she did this behind his back, he’s impressed by her ambition to hold him down. She tells him not to blow up Tommy about Mireya yet because it will give Tommy more time to dig himself a deeper hole. Miguel is going to kill him.
After Tommy drops Vic off at his car, he spots him speaking to a federal agent. Tommy pulls his gun out on both men and asks Vic if he’s a snitch. Vic denies being a snitch. Tommy tells him the only way to prove he’s not is to kill the fed. Vic kills the agent.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
Tommy needs to focus because he is becoming reckless & careless that was his problem when he and close were running em New York streets em Chicago streets ain’t no joke !