Quad Webb recently expressed frustration about Dr. Gregory Lunceford and his new wife joining Married 2 Med.
“Married to Medicine” star Quad Webb has been transparent about her feelings about the upcoming season of the show. While many have been discussing the addition of Phaedra Parks, others have had a lot to say about Dr. Gregory Lunceford returning with a new wife. Lateasha Lunceford has officially joined the cast as the newest wife. While appearing on Dr. Heavenly Kimes‘ YouTube channel, Quad addressed the matter. Quad feels it was disrespectful for Lateasha and Greg to be on the show. She said she is an OG of the show so she figured producers would have at least given her a heads up. However, that didn’t happen. This isn’t okay with her.
Heavenly interviewed Lateasha sometime after. Lateasha confirmed producers have been trying to get her on “Married to Medicine” for a while. However, it was Dr. Jackie Walters and Heavenly who really talked her into giving it a shot. In response, some of Quad’s fans accused Heavenly of being a fake friend. Heavenly went on to say that Quad doesn’t have an issue with Lateasha. And Lateasha’s hiring saved Quad’s job. So Heavenly feels she’s helping both by giving them a chance to speak on her YouTube channel which now has over 125,000 subscribers.
Dr. Heavenly Kimes shaded Lateasha Lunceford’s house tour.
Well, Heavenly is firmly Team Quad when it comes to Bravo house tours. Recently, Bravo dropped Lateasha’s tour on the “Married to Medicine” website. Some fans had a lot to say about Greg not moving out of the house he shared with Quad.
As the social media comments began to roll in regarding the house tour, Heavenly decided to give her thoughts on Instagram. She said Quad’s house tour was much better.
Heavenly wrote, “@absolutelyquad ‘s. Mansion just hits different!! #TheOriginal #NotTheRepeat #married2med. #ImNOTBeingMessyOrNuthin #Listen #DrHeavenlyUniversity. #TeamDaddy. Tune in this Sunday at 9:15. For the Premiere of Season 10!!! See you there!! #TweetWithme #drheavenly #MissQuad”
Heavenly plays both sides a lot and will coddle/enable Quad’s gigantic ego to keep her happy. It’s a very fake and pathetic friendship.
There is no way Heavenly was not being messy, it is who she is. Heavenly is playing both sides of the road until she sees who’s on top. Did Heavenly, at first say that it was Simone who pushed for Greg and wife? Now, you have Greg ‘s wife saying it was Heavenly and Jackie, Quad’s main supporters. Messy.
This is why I don’t like Quad. She’s very childish so she requires her friends to pick on whoever her “threat” is. They need to leave this lady alone. All she did was get married and everyone is so bothered like losers.
I’m with you on Quad’s a-s.
Quad doesn’t need to be on the show. She’s not a wife and her ex is rubbing his new wife in her face. Quad disrespected Greg constantly so now U bet it doesn’t feel good to Quad now.
Every time Heavenly opens her mouth she is being shady. What a miserable human being! She hides her own insecurities by deflecting faults of others and being publicly messy. Is it for ratings that Bravo keeps her on? How despicable for human intellect in search of the show’s titled insinuation. I can’t wait for her true skeletons to fall out and shame her tremendously.
Dr.Heavenly is very messy she is not Quad’s friend or even Dr. Greg’s wife’s friend. Heavenly is only Heavenly’s friend. She is so dirty and messy it doesn’t make any sense.