By: Taren Vaughan
The Basketball Wives supertrailer for season five has been released. And from what is being shown on the supertrailer, some new beefs have surfaced between some of the cast members. “Basketball Wives” is set to return to the small screen on August 19th. With the season opener right around the corner, more is being revealed to viewers on what they can expect from the new cast of BBW. While “Basketball Wives” did make it to another season, for a moment it looked like that wasn’t going to happen due to all the violent behavior displayed on the show last season. Despite the petitions, a loss of advertisers and the heavy backlash they got hit with over the show’s violence, Shaunie O’Neal has said repeatedly that those BBW days are over and viewers will find the new season to be a very emotional one.
Some people didn’t find Shaunie’s claims to be believable though, considering the fact that Tami Roman and Evelyn Lozada were returning for another season of the show. As the ladies have tried to convince viewers the show will be nothing like it has been in the past, the trailers are telling a much different story about season 5 of “Basketball Wives.”
In the super trailer, some new beefs have started up as Suzie Ketcham and BBW newbie Tasha Marbury went from laughing and joking about Evelyn needing to wear a helmet on dates to hurling curse words at each other. The last scene in the clip may come as a shocker to viewers as a Tami Roman and Shaunie O’Neal beef has surfaced and it turns ugly during a meal at the table. Before the scene ends, Tami appears to be going after Shaunie as she slams her silverware down, gets up out of her chair and says:
“Put your hand up again!”
Peep the supertrailer for season five of “Basketball Wives” below:
So in other words, Tami is still a thug? I’m not surprised.
So I guess that more responsible season was just another lie.
And none of this surprises me. End this show already.
Why??? To just make room for the rest I f those dry azz shows. Atleast your getting entertainment. Drama is always interesting i dont care what walk of life you come from. Season # 6 I can’t wait…lol..vh1 bring back the old shows…some much intertainment
Can’t stand Tami but I would LOVE to see her embarrass the pimp. Shaunie needs a taste of her own medicine.
The only person that could do it… IS TAMI!!!!! COSIGN!!!!
I wish someone would stand up to Tami. I really do.
Royce did its sad cuz royce is the smallest
royce did
I don’t understand why Vh1 hasn’t pulled the plug on this show. Why keep extending these birds 15 minutes of fame.
They give these birds shine cuz other birds watch. VH-1 is pimpin all these birds in the end.
These bishes are so pathetic.
This is just as messy as the past seasons. So much for trying to “represent black women.” Smh.
What?! They haven’t changed at all!
But are you surprised?
SMDH! I’m not supporting this show.
The old drunk is back at it.
Ridiculous. Tami just won’t grow up.
LOL hell I’d say karma was served if Tami slapped Shaunie’s pimp a-s.
Not watching.
Nothing has changed.
Business as usual. I hope this is the last season.
SMH. I should have known my comment would go over your head. Your name on here is “Diamond” for God’s sake.
God bless.
My apologies O-La. That wasn’t for you. #iPhoneIssues
Can’t wait to see the show! People talk about it being so dramaful as if there any better than theses people on the show. The same people that support k- michelle and her antics have the audacity to talk about this show. Lol what a shame. Well tami make up a fake storyline about being beaten or talking about everyone. You’ll get a lot of fans and be understood. Can’t wait until aug 19th. Wish Jen was on the show though.
What? Let’s see, I have a college degree, a husband, and kids and I don’t fight or throw bottles at people when I get mad. Yeah, I am BETTER than the women on this show and I’m a better representation of black women. And even if I wasn’t married, I’d still be better than these women because I don’t have to make a fool out of myself and shame my family to pay bills. It’s pretty pathetic that you assume most black women act the way these tramps do. You’re no better than the white people who assume what they see on TV represents the majority of black people.
And I don’t support K. Michelle’s childish behavior either. And I’m not the only one. I tried to watch that show but couldnt because it was too trashy and violent. Not everyone watches this trash or relates to loud, violent black women. And thank God! What a ridiculous comment from you.
So you better than the next because you have a college degree, married, and have kids. I hear anger issues all in your comment. Where do you see were I put most black people watch this show???? Read with your college degree. And who are you to judge how people make their money???? If you or anyone else Judge race off of what you see on tv. You clearly need to check in someone hospital! Make a comment based off what i said. Not an assumption comment. And if you don’t watch these shows. Why are you even replying? Because you that perfect person that sneak and watch the show. Lmao! Cra cra!
SMH. I should have known my comment would go over your head. Your name on here is “Diamond” for God’s sake.
God bless.
Hell you can be single with NO college degree and be better than the chicks on this show. We all point and laugh at them. There’s better ways to make money.
Thank you. Any black woman who can make a living without disrespecting herself is better than these pathetic women. I know women who didn’t go to college who work hard and are home owners. They don’t have to chase professional athletes or do trashy reality shows to pay their bills. Them>>>>anyone on Basketball Wives.
“People talk about it being so dramaful as if there any better than theses people on the show.” <<< Um we are boo. LOL!
LOL right!
This is Tami’s last season she said it herself in a live interview so I guess she is going out with a major bang. At the end looks like Tami was actually talking to Everlyn over Shaunie because Shaunie jump up in a manner like to “separate” instead of defensively. Susie is still a mess I wish someone will just slap her. Every season someone tells her something she always runs to tell the other person such and instigator! Susie is phony, Tami is too hood, Shaunie is Shady and Everyln is a ratchet drama queen that always plays the victim while being a evil witch!
Omg!!! All of these women on this show NEEDS to get beat the f*** up! Suzy is the scariest, messiest, phoniest one. She claims she hates drama but ALWAYS creates it by running her big mouth. Someone needs to put their fist right in it!