Mimi Faust Now Regrets Selling Tape, Fires Back at Joseline

Photo Credit: VH1
Photo Credit: VH1

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Mimi Faust just wrapped up probably the toughest season she’s had yet on “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” and she’s still catching quite a bit of backlash for making that raunchy video with Nikko.

Despite getting slammed for the tape daily on social media, Mimi is more annoyed with Joseline Hernandez since Joseline attacked her at the reunion.

Mimi now admits she regrets selling the tape. While part three of the reunion aired last night, Mimi tweeted the following (read tweets from bottom to top):

mimi twitter

mimi twitter 2


    1. She’s still sleeping with Nikko. Nikko is a liar. Mimi is so desperate to be love, she will love ANY dirt bag in ATL.

  1. Ugh I can’t stand Mimi she never takes responsibility for her actions. It’s always excuses excuses and the way everybody was treating her like a victim on the reunion is ridiculous Mimi is not 18 or even her 20’s she is 42 years old a grown a-s woman responsible for her own actions.

  2. Mimi’s naive schtick is getting really old. It’s not even entertaining anymore. Mona give that porn star the pink slip please.

  3. Ik old fools exist. But this lady can’t be THAT foolish. She’s not interesting & neither was her poor attempt at a sex tape. All I saw was the preview, that’s 3mins of my life I’ll never get back.

  4. LOL @ “I see you and I pay you dust.” Well, that’s usually what people do who bump their gums with no intent on backing themselves up. I have no sympathy for people when their check gets cashed. I hate to say that because I definitely carry myself differently. But, these are reality tv birds we’re talking about here and this is how they act. *shrug*

    And she needs to give it up about the tape. Ain’t nobody hearing her. She’s living in the present but she best believe that tape WILL follow her into the future. Just because you express regret doesn’t mean it’ll go away. She’ll see why it was a bad decision as far as her daughter was concerned….

  5. I’m not a stan but why is Mimi still pretending like she didn’t come for Joseline at the reunion? We saw the footage and she is no shrinking violet. She was talking a lot of trash when she was standing on those stairs. LOL.

  6. I still don’t understand why Joseline feels she has the right to beat somebody up because they mentioned her name? It’s only those weak a-s birds that couldn’t defend themselves. They’re a few females I know who’d have handed Joseline her a-s if she’d rushed them like that.

  7. She has said a lot of messed up stuff about Joseline and vice versa. No need to act innocent and confused Mimi. It’s getting old.

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