By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels have both moved on after ending their 12 year on and off again romance, and while Nicki is or isn’t engaged to Meek Mill, Safaree has been dating a little himself.
His recent fling was with social media vixen Sophia Body and in a recent interview with VLAD TV she took some jabs at Nicki.
VLAD TV writes:
The famed vixen told us,”[He] can write, [he] write[s] all of Nicki’s sh*t, clearly.” She later added, “I mean, I don’t really know, but you know; he’s helped — I guess we’ll see on the next album.”
Sophia’s comments stirred up backlash online from Nicki’s loyal fans, leading the model to address the controversy on Twitter. She explained that she’s always been a fan of the “Anaconda” emcee, and Sophia added that she would never try and “discredit Nicki.”
Check out the video below. The shade comes in at the 1:00 mark:
Social media vixen UB? That b-tch looks basic as sh-t. Vixen my a-s.
She’s just another loser hoping to get saved by some Instagram simp.
I really can’t stand when grown people don’t stand by their shade. She was trying to infer Nicki doesn’t write any of her stuff and when the stans started dragging her, now she didn’t mean to be messy. Child please.
Don’t even ask because she’s not worth knowing.
That was painful to watch. My head hurts. She’s as dumbs as a box of rocks
Kobe thought you were hot, then actually spoke to you & realized your dumb.
She was trying to be petty but now she wants to backtrack like a coward. Look Safaree ain’t even this pressed about Nicki and he has every reason to be salty yet he’s not. So she needs to sit down somewhere.
And Nicki will pay her dust like she should.
Somebody just wants some attention.
Good lord! That sh-t was painful to watch. She sounds like she has the comprehension level of a six-year old. *no offense to six year olds*
Girl please fade back into oblivion. This chick is looking for a come up so bad first she name dropped Nicki then she started talking about how Kobe tried to talk to her. In the words of Nene “the thirst is real”.
*blank stare*
Bird behavior.
Chile I guess.
sohipa body is a bad b-tch saiding safaree writ nicki rap if u he said he write all nicki songs how come is music is full of sh-tty
i dont belive dat b-tch saying safaree wrote nicki rap songs that is not true if safaree wrote nicki songs how come his songs is full sh-tt
f-ck u safaree u r nobody without nicki minaj
nick rocks i love u minaj
go minaj she is happy with meek mill she dont give a f-ck about that son of a b-tch safaree
Apparently we’re still using the term ‘video vixen’. Mmmkay.