By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
‘American Idol’ has been cancelled, and now the former executive producer is admitting one of the worst things they could have ever done is hire Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey as judges in the same season.
Nigel Lythgoe tells Billboard:
“Mariah and Nicki was just crazy, and then it really started becoming about the judges and took away from the contestants altogether. I think that was a major failing on the part of casting to have those two together. On their own, either one may have been successful.”
As you may recall, Nicki and Mariah butted heads during season 12.
American Idol jumped the shark 5 years ago, so good riddance! I do agree with Nigel about Mariah and Nicki though! One or the other, not both in the room at the same time! Too much ‘tude!!!
The show went south way before Nicki and Mariah. But whatever.
I’m just glad they finally cancelled this sh-t.
Well how long did they think this could run before people got bored? After about 5 winners, people don’t care as much anymore. The winners have been flopping now too.
I’m honestly surprised the slow lasted as long as it did. The cancelling was long overdue imo
Ugh it’s the one thing Nicki did that I would love to forget.
It’s cancelled? It’s about time.
Nicki even looked mad in this picture. That was such a mess.
They just need someone to blame for the failure of this show and Mariah and Nicki are being used as the scapegoat. I’m glad they’re cancelling. Haven’t watched this mess since Fantasia’s win anyway.
0h please this show was going down the drain before them! I actually like that season and it was the last season I watched. Candice deserved to win, I have no idea what she’s doing now since winning 2 yrs ago