Jennifer Williams Talks Possibly Joining BBWLA Cast

In a recent interview with VH1, Jennifer Williams claims she used to be against doing BBWLA after things went so sour with the Miami show, but now she’s open to it.

She says:

“Malaysia [Pargo]’s actually a really good friend of mine. It’s funny because [she’s] been like, “Come on the show, come on the show.” And she asked me last year, and I was like, “Hell no, I won’t do it. I won’t do it.” I recently went to brunch with her and she was trying to talk me into it and I said, “I guess now that I’m back on reality TV it could kind of make sense. I know people are probably dying to see me on Basketball Wives because I feel like the show was named after me because I was a basketball wife. It kind of makes sense but I don’t know. It’s just kind of crazy because now I live in LA and now Basketball Wives LA is the only one that’s on. I guess you gotta stay tuned for that and we’ll see.”

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  1. So the Miami sh-t wasn’t enough huh? All they are going to do is attack Jenn and say she’s too stuck up. Shaunie doesn’t even like her if I’m not mistaken.

  2. Girl, Claudia was easy to drag but Tami Roman would eat you! She ain’t forgot that food stamps comment

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