Jennifer Williams wants nothing to do with Clayanna Warthen.
“Basketball Wives” star Jennifer Williams rubbed newbie Clayanna Warthen the wrong way when they met for the first time. Clayanna took issue with Jennifer for asking her about her background. However, Jennifer said she was just trying to ask Clayanna who she knew already in the group. So she didn’t expect a blowup to be the result of her questions. Interestingly enough, Clayanna and Jennifer met up for a one-on-one conversation about their tension. They were thinking they could likely hash things out. But things only worsened between them. By the end of the meeting, Clayanna pushed Jennifer. So Jennifer concluded that she didn’t need to be around Clayanna again moving forward.
On the upcoming episode, Clayanna will attempt to put her hands on Jennifer again. Apparently, Brittany Renner invited all of the ladies to have some fun at a club. But the tension between Jennifer and Clayanna wins out over the temporary fun. Words are exchanged and Clayanna tries to assault Jennifer while Evelyn Lozada is sitting next to her. Evelyn was not having any of it. She jumped in and Clayanna ends up leaving the venue without her wig. All of this comes after Brooke Bailey and Clayanna had an altercation at the birthday party that Jackie Christie planned for Brooke.
Clayanna also clashed with fellow newbies Vannesa Rider and Jac’Eil Duckworth. She accused both of sucking up to the OGs of the show.
Multiple altercations caused Clayanna Warthen to be removed from BBWLA?
It’s likely that Clayanna’s messy moments with the other women may have led to her being kicked off “Basketball Wives.”
During a trailer for the next episode, it is said that the episode results in “one of the players” being axed.
In a green screen interview, Jackie says, “I don’t like to tell someone that they are no longer a part of this sisterhood.”
Wigs WILL be SNATCHED! 🤯 Tune in to #BasketballWives TONIGHT at 9/8c, only on @VH1. pic.twitter.com/166kq70dLV
— Basketball Wives (@BasketballWives) November 27, 2023
My goodness she flopped so hard.
I am glad she is no longer on the show, she came on the show with a nasty attitude. Her vibe was very ugly, My opinion… she acts like one of those women that hate to see good looking , well dressed beige or black women..
she had issues from the 1st day,I knew she wouldn’t last.
Idk Clayanna gives me punk vibes. She has this kind of energy for Jennifer (who doesn’t fight) but not Brooke or Evelyn (who do fight). I don’t respect it.
FACTS!!! She knows Jennifer can’t fight. She kept going for her but when Evelyn talking smack to her she didn’t say nothing or jump
As many times as Evelyn hit people jumped on tables and threw drinks and One of them ended up with a black eye from Draya now you fire someone for fighting . Please shut the whole show down It’s too many grown people on here acting stupid and like school girls
I agree! Why is she back on the show Evelyn??????? She’s funny and fake as well Evelyn, she’s looking for another (Sports Figure), she really wasn’t looking for love on that show, he really didn’t fit her “Resume” 😀😀😀😀
I whole heartly agrre. Evelyn needs not to be on there. They need to change the name of the show. Evelyn involve herself. Let Jennifer stand up for herself.
Basketball wife’s sucks, I don’t watch this crap anymore, grown women acting like kids.
I agree to the fullest. Jenn got what she deserve. She tried to be messy, Jen and Evelyn ain’t nothing but bullies. Just throw the whole show away. Too much favoritism. If you going to fire her, why not fire Evelyn for pulling her hair. Jenn is a whole clown 🤡 without the red nose. She needs a crowd to put on a show. Clearly started it, then play victim. Bring Tammy back to put them in place.
She was fired because she came on like gangbusters; totally nasty and didn’t want to be bothered. I’m glad she and Brittany are gone!
Bullying is NOT allowed on these shows…when will they learn that?
You know what’s weird Evelyn for years got passes for her physical attacks on co stars and that petty stuff this young lady did or others in tha pass gets fired smh I wonder what she do or did to stay in reality tv rt
This girl is not reality tv material, Evelyn is!
What about when Evelyn was jumping across tables and shunnie a trouble maker to and she calls her self a First Lady really
Something or someone was in Clyana head, there was something serious wrong there, with that being said, Jennifer who can’t beat a feather, shouldn’t be starting anything with anyone! The young lady from Mississippi got my vote. I like her! The rest if them can go fly a kite!!
She deserved to be fired. We aren’t little kids. Use your words and stop depending on alcohol to give you courage you don’t really have. I’m tired of seeing black women fight on TV like animals. We’re better than that. Jennifer is a breath of fresh air because she actually carries herself with class. We need more of that on these reality shows. Clayanna is a mess. I hope she gets the help she needs.
Stop Playing ‼️
Jennifer williams is a troublemaker and when pushes someone to the limit, and they approach her with aggression she uses her fear to make the other person look violent. She’s not classy, she is a person who throws rocks at people then hides her hands. When her and Evelyn wasn’t friends she didn’t want no smoke from anyone, but since they are friends again she transformed back into a mean girl. Why because she knows when she starts bullsh-t she knows good ol’ Evelyn will be there to back her up. Jennifer is the worst person on that show, Jackie in a close second. Classy? No more like Crass.
Do not yell at me. You are a grown man on the internet screaming at the top of your lungs about someone having the right to assault another person on television. Seek help and learn the law. You don’t know a thing about class.
I agree .. I don’t care if I call your mom a dirty dog .. u can not put your hands on me. . Ppl are weak n make excuses for ppl not having self control .. learn to say sum back or remove yourself and walk away
I don’t think Clayanna was fired for just trying to attack Jen again. This is like her 5th altercation in just one season. On top of that, I don’t think we’ve seen her sober. This is not the best show for someone like her. Her mental ain’t right.
I agree with you. Clayana’s energy seemed to ALWAYS be negative. She’s a contentious person, always looking for a fight. She needed to go.
Why are they firing her. They need to fired Evelyn . Brook, Jennifer. They can dish but can’t take. I thought this show was supposed to be positive. Shauie please stop the madness.we have young ladies watching this. If can’t be positive take it off
Clayanna had altercations with multiple cast members this one season alone and appears to have a drug or alcohol problem. Being removed from the show is best for her mental health. I doubt you’d want to work with someone like that yourself. I get you don’t like the OGs but Clayanna is a bully too. If you’re against bullying, be against it when the newbies do it too. Evelyn ain’t my cup of tea, but she did right here.
I think it all stems down to her baby daddy. He has a wife and she is hung up on his accolades. I don’t think her anger was with the girls. I think she is hurt that she wasn’t a Basketball Wife. She is just a baby momma. I saw hurt more than anything.
You hit the nail on the head. Thats her whole issue. She was just a side piece. He went on to marry his child hood sweetheart.
I personally think all the so call “OG’s” are bullies. Jen loves to talk a lot of mess then runs away. I can’t wait for Evelyn to meet her match because she thinks she is so tuff. All of the “OG’s” are sh-t starters…….
If Clayanna should be fired so should Brooke and Evelyn. I don’t condone violence at all but these women can’t sit and talk, eat or do anytjing without alcohol. Jennifer should have never pointed at Clayanna indicating she was a “hoe”. You don’t poke the bear especially if you think the bear is unstable and then call it wild. That’s why this show will always be negative. Not first lady Shaunie has always let Evelyn have her way. They always forget what they do but quick to put somebody else on blast. Brooke blames her bad behaviour on grieving for her daughter. She should be ashamed of herself. Evelyn had the nerve to say Brittany inserted herself “on a side” because Brittany tried to show.compassion and actually was the only one talking reasonable, but isn’t that what she did, insert herself in a situation that her friend Jennifer started. Again they don’t have any accountability when it comes to them but they try to hold everyone else accountable. It’s unbelievable
Exactly. It’s like it is a double standard when it comes to the “OG’s.” She confronted Jennifer (the scared bully). Evelyn (the biggest bully) attacked her.
They both were wrong but the girl has been into it with everyone except Brittany. She came on the show with bad energy. I agree Shaunie got to do better with the cast I can do a little drama but the fighting no.
That girl needs help she has mental illnesses for reals!!!! Get her help!!!
Jennifer need to fired or take show of shaunie need to be fired she not good producer that need a better producer shaunie are playing favoritism she all in Everly butt she don’t see no wrong in Everly why bring her back on the show if Everly leave the show it be a better show Jennifer is slow why she started drama she need worry bout them men she dated she dated ex.con every men she dated used and still from her now she dated a younger man he just want her money he going to drain her watch and see the other man she dated I didn’t see nothing wrong with him I think his parents didn’t like her I don’t blame I can’t stand her I never like her
CrazyClay was a fan and used what she seen before on the show to throw and throw shots! She’s weak and whack! Soo happy she’s gone!!
Idk I like clayanna… I think she did nothing wrong but defend herself. She’s naturally pretty so b-tches love to hate… jennifer is fake as f-ck…and Jackie wb jackie and with Evelyn I have mixed feelings about her.. it’s like she takes a step forward and then she does sh-t like this and takes mad steps back..
I personally know Clay and she is nothing the way they are making her out to be. I really think they seen a very pretty girl and was hating on her for her accomplishments and her youthful vibe. I think they wrong for that one. They need to do better with that show. Jen ain’t nobody to be checking anyone. She need to check her cupcake man! Mic drop! And I’m out
Clayanna , came on the show with issues. I think when Jen asked her where is she from, that struck a nerve. She’s angry. The entire situation with her baby daddy, her being only a side chick, him marring another woman. She needed to be fired.