Tee Tee has been clashing with her family on GUHH.
“Growing Up Hip Hop” star Tahira “Tee Tee” Francis probably didn’t think she’d end up falling out with her family the way she did. She’s always been close to Pepa and Egypt Criss. In fact, Tee Tee was always like a big sister to Egypt. And she was the one Pepa trusted to keep watch of Egypt while she was on tour. But things changed a lot when Egypt began dating Sam Wright. Tee Tee and Briana Latrise were immediately suspicious. Both thought Sam was only dating Egypt because doing so would help advance his career. So both wasted no time telling Egypt all the rumors they heard about Sam. Regardless, Egypt didn’t believe what was being alleged. She knew Sam was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
Interestingly enough, Sam and Egypt clapped back at Tee Tee with their own accusations. Egypt went on to tell the group that her aunt told her that Shawn Rogers allegedly cheated on Tee Tee.
Plus, Sam told Egypt and Pepa that the real issue is Tee Tee is actually in love with him. So she wanted to do anything possible to keep them from getting married.
Sam would eventually admit he made all of this up. But the damage is done. And Tee Tee decided to distance herself. And the division in the family is still an issue on the current season. Now it’s looking as if Tee Tee’s time on the show may be coming to an end.
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This is how it’s supposed to be. Reality shows should just be a stepping stone until your career is to the point that it no longer benefits you to be on the show.
Good for them.
Best news all day hope they do leave!!!
She’s classy so it’s disappointing because I feel like her and Vanessa/Angela give the successful bougie black girl representation needed. But I’m happy her career is thriving to the point that she can afford to leave.
Right. I love bougie black girl representation. Balance is good.
I like her pretty a-s. I’ll miss her and Shawn but you have to know when it’s time to move on to something better.
W£LL If She Like it ….I L○v£ it!!!! But Answer me this…… What Career Are You Referring to EXACTLY?@?@? ?
B£sides, That YT B○Y didn’t REALLY want to Marry TeeTee AC£ F○r Real AnyWay!!! Pay Attention to His Mannerisms and Facial Expressions leading up to the Wedding!!! But Naawwwwl….TT Had To Have That YT Boy!!! I’ll givE it 2 years!!!!?
They’re married,they have a child… they’re a family. It’s time to move on.
I don’t think Shawn was down for the show anyway. He was very reserved about stuff when he was shown.
I wish them the best.
Oh well…good bye and good riddens. I mean Now married what else is there to tell. There is no more story line to be told.