On the recent episode of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” the cast prepares for their New York trip. Ralph and Drew are still having issues in their marriage. They have a session with their therapist to discuss their constant blowups. And they take on a challenge that requires them to forsake fighting for a month. Interestingly enough, Kenya is starting to feel as if Ralph reminds her a lot of Marc.
Todd wants Kandi to embrace the house he has in New Jersey from a previous relationship. However, Kandi continues to struggle with this. And Todd just thinks she’s a bit selfish.
And Sheree brings the receipts out about Anthony.
Here’s a recap of, “Big Apple Squabbles.”
Click next for the details.
The show is still a snooze fest!! They should show old seasons with NeNe and Phaedra right before the new season. It clearly shows how the older cast carried the show and made it so much more entertaining! It also shows how Kenya hasn’t evolved much and how Marlo is trying to be the new NeNe! Poor Kandi still can’t be a front runner and has no storyline without Phaedra!
I think some of you are stuck in the past. Phaedra is not going to be as interesting as she was several years ago because she’s not in the same situations she was in back then. She was a snooze on Marriage Boot Camp. And Braxton Family Values. NeNe is also not going to come back and deliver the same magic she did back then. In fact, she was awful her last season and not her funny and enjoyable self. She was angry, bitter, and walked off anytime she was called out. Y’all really want RHOA to fail for the pettiest reasons. Meanwhile the white reality shows are thriving and ratings are higher.
Guilty as charged, ????????♀️ I think I have just outgrown it but you are right, Nene is never coming back and would not be as entertaining. Neither is Phaedra
I don’t think this season is boring at all. Last season was terrible. I like NeNe but she’s never coming back. Suing Bravo guaranteed as much. I also do agree that Phaedra probably won’t be who she was if she does ever come back. I mean back then most of her allure was her beef with Kenya and problems with Apollo. She’s cool with Kenya now and she’s divorced. I think people will be disappointed if she ever does come back. But we’ll see what she brings to RHUGT.
I mean what storyline does Phaedra have outside of Kandi and Apollo? Or Kenya? They all rely on each other for storylines because it’s an ensemble show. This season is actually interesting and it’s like the complaining just doesn’t stop with the housewives fandom. What scares me is I know y’all will eventually do the same to RHOP once a couple of favorites leave.