On the recent episode of “Married to Medicine,” Toya and Audra’s issues get much worse. But before that happens, Toya decides to face the cheating accusations head-on. She asks Anila and her friend if they have been accusing Toya of cheating on Eugene with a man from their neighborhood. Neither woman wants to claim this. They said they heard the rumor but they aren’t the source. So Toya is over it.
She decides to leave the party when Audra overhears Toya telling Eugene about the accusations Audra made about their finances. This just leads to an argument between Toya and Audra. After Audra gets in Toya’s face, Toya mushes her back. Luckily, the husbands are able to keep the ladies from actually fighting.
When Toya recaps what happened, she admits that before Heavenly clarified things, she thought the rumor was about Quad. Simone then reveals that Quad has been accused of sleeping with a married contractor.
And when Kiran and Anila’s house is broken into, Quad wonders if Toya set them up to be robbed.
Here’s a recap for, “Rumor Mill.”
Click next for the details.
1. Why is Audra following Toya around? She is trying to hard to make herself known and she’s looking a little desperate.
2. Twice Anila has been with Zania during a Toya cheating moment. Anila stopped talking about it to deny any accountability. Yet, Heavenly is the (messy) one who pointed it all to Toya that she and not Quad was the subject of the rumor.
3. Quad is doing the most in her Toya take down. A. Hyping up Audra go after Toya.
B. Join up Anila for Toya rumors.
C. Making most of her cast comments, negative towards Toya and Eugene.
E. Saying that Toya may have something to do with Anila robbed. Quad is trying. Did Toya take Mariah’s spot?
That girl that Toya had with her, did that. That was the set up. You saw at the party how dhe jump up in Anila face! Yup, she is from the hood. Call the police.
This right here is why I don’t care for Quad. She’s always accusing people she doesn’t like of criminal activity. Yet, she’s never held accountable. Anila is the same way. I’ll never forget how she accused Lisa of stealing like $400 out of her purse. Or that time she accused Contessa of trying to fight her mom. Of course, none of that actually happened. Now both of them are going to sit here and say Toya set Anila and Kiran up to be robbed like a whole gang of robbers wasn’t just caught by police for robbing reality stars in Atlanta. This show is a mess. It jumped the shark a long time ago.
I believe that she has something to do will it.
I truly think the ladies on this show think the viewers are very stupid people. None of these “rumors” have been believable. And they all know that Toya didn’t set up that robbery. It’s been on the news for months now that a robbery ring was going around and robbing the homes of reality stars who live in and near the Atlanta metro area. The same people who tried to rob Marlo are behind this. The same people who robbed Sierra, Erica, and Safaree from LHHATL are behind this. This was confirmed by the police recently. It’s like this show has gotten to the point that you have to abandon all common sense and logical reasoning to take this show seriously anymore. Show took a huge fall from grace when Mariah was pushed out. Now Toya is the new Mariah. And watching one person be lied on and ganged up on is not entertaining.
The people responsible for robbing Anila’s house and others were arrested already. It was literally on the news recently. This is the problem with Quad. Whatever dangerous lie she spews (which is always crime related), her stans eat up with no questions asked. Accusing black people of committing serious crimes because you don’t like them on a reality show is anti-black. Quad is going to keep right on until she gets the entire network and production company in some serious legal trouble.
At the beginning of the season I said I was really enjoying Quad. I take that back now. Unfortunately, she went right back to the toxicity that put me off from her years ago. The way she lies on people about criminal activities is very dangerous. And I don’t understand why Phaedra was punished, but Quad continues to do this with multiple people on Married 2 Med. She truly makes the show dark when she does this. Now she has a partner in crime because Anila will accuse someone of a crime in a heartbeat like it’s nothing. They are very dangerous and I couldn’t be friends with women like them.
Toya should sue and cut off every type of relationship with Quad. I would quit the show if I was in her position. There is $$$ that is worth the frustration, no toxic job is worth it.
I like Quad. I don’t know if Toya had anything to do with it, it just looks a little suspicious because of the timing. Hopefully, Toya didn’t though. Don’t care too much for Toya.. Heavenly is messy and started the whole thing. She didn’t have to wait for the party to tell Toya that.