Kandi Burruss hasn’t been feeling Drew Sidora as of late.
“Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Drew Sidora continues to be a hot topic on social media. As we reported, her divorce from Ralph Pittman has already taken a nasty turn. Ralph has been backing up the messy accusations made by his play cousin, Courtney Rhodes. Courtney accused Drew of trying to talk Ralph into adopting her oldest son so she could romance women while Ralph was the breadwinner. Courtney has also accused Drew of having an affair with WNBA player, Ty Young. Interestingly enough, when Drew called Ralph out for not taking issue with the comment about her son, Ralph accused Drew of playing the “victim role.” And he made it clear that he shares the same stance as Courtney.
Another person who seemingly thinks Drew isn’t honest and plays the victim is Kandi Burruss. Kandi alleged Drew kissed LaToya Howard seasons ago during the controversial Bolo night. LaToya has confirmed this as well as denied this multiple times. However, Drew has consistently denied kissing LaToya. And Kandi didn’t like being labeled as a liar. So it has fractured the budding friendship that she and Drew were building at one point.
This was addressed at the reunion. Kandi and Drew both stood firm on their perspectives. Drew said Kandi was telling “Kandi Koated lies.” And Kandi accused Drew of being a gaslighter. She also said that she now suspects that Drew was gaslighting Ralph this whole time.
While some RHOA fans understood where Kandi was coming from, others were outraged by her comments. They think Ralph has been despicable to Drew on and off of the show. And they feel it’s inappropriate for Kandi to seemingly side with him in any way.
Well, Kandi made it clear that she stands by giving Drew the gaslighter label.
An X user wrote, “The way you sat on this chair and lied I feel you be gas lighting Ralph” #RHOA Jesus kandi.”
In response, Kandi posted, “The way she lied with a straight face, then called me a ‘Kandi Koated Liar’ & then said ‘we’re still good right’… That was the definition of Gas Lighting.”
Some RHOA fans dragged Kandi Burruss on X.
Again, some fans are siding with Kandi. They have been labeling Drew as a “compulsive liar.” Interestingly enough, some are disgusted. These people didn’t hold back in Kandi’s replies either. And they believe Kandi has shown a toxic pattern of misogyny. Phaedra Parks came up often in these responses.
One X user wrote, “You literally said what happened at Cynthia’s bridal shower shouldn’t be repeated during the Bolo saga yet here you are. One thing about? You will side with abusive men, you did with Phaedra and Apollo so we’re disappointed but not shocked.”
Another person said, “l used to love Kandi but she proves when her friends are going through it she’s not a girls girl…. she gone sneak you for a ***** real quick.”
And, “It still doesn’t justify you saying he gaslights Ralph. Same Ralph we all watch on TV who’s extremely mean to his wife for no reason. Same way you supported Apollo the thief over phony phae phae.”
Others accused Kandi of siding with an abuser, “That woman is in a very emotionally abusive relationship. I would never defend a ****** man just to get a read in idk this was disappointing.”
Another wrote, “And what does that have to do with her marriage and now divorce with Ralph? Kandi, you’re misogynistic and have always presented yourself that way in the show. It might be subtle but we see it, you wide-mouthed miser.”
The “Speak On It” with Courtney also came up in some of the responses.
An X user said, “The way you used your issues with her as an excuse to support her abusive husband…That’s the definition of being an abuse apologist. The way you questioned her sister’s mental health issues solely be she looked ‘normal’…That’s the definition of ableism. #RHOA”
I’m pleasantly surprised by how many people see Kandi for what she really is now. I’ve been side eyeing her since the vibrating panties. I’m not sure if it’s narcissism or delusion, but she never thinks she’s wrong either and surrounds herself with enablers and bootlickers.
Whewwwwwww chileeee I was waiting for this comment cause I just said …. Kandi swears she’s never wrong for ANYTHING .
She needs to go. Her and Kenya
Kandi and Todd is freak as swingers… always tryin to groom and come for couples or a single woman to join in with them…If they see it won’t happen they move on to the next… watch how their freaky as dirt come out… Portia tried to warn you all… but people wannan be stuck on Kandi and her money… but that’s not gonnan help her whinnin as @ all🙄
FINALLY I BEEN SAYING KANDI IS VERY SNEAKY. She use to throw rocks and hide . Nene saw that. She lets Kenya do all types of foolishness but does that stupid fake laugh. Then wanna get mad and call people out there name. Been seen Kandi be messy. She thinks because she has money she can do whatever and Kenya thinks it’s cool because of money.
Kandi feels entitled. She always saying something about somebody’s boyfriend but don’t want u to make a comment about Todd. She never thinks she’s wrong. She need to shut up. Just like Sheree shut her down. Only thing Kandi could say to her was get your money up. Kandi u need to spend more time with your children
Nene was right all along. Marlo was right when she said Kandi doesn’t have any character which is true.
Male identified black women always expose themselves sooner or later.
Wow! I have to agree with everyone on this one. You showed no loyalty, Kandi! And, if that were Todd even against your mother, you would be mad as heck.
You were truly wrong in my eyes whether you believe she lied or not. I care for you but you showed a not so liking personality this season. Even when you talked about Sheree’s website/clothing line whether it was up or she didn’t have the merchandise. You took that opportunity to put her down and she brought it to you and honestly, you deserved it all.
Maybe at some point you will look back and see yourself. You were not a true friend or support system.
Even when Sheree didn’t like some of the things you said about her dating life, she never came after your business and as quite as kept, that’s the reason why Phaedra reacted the way that she did. You were not loyal to her. You can’t expect for everyone to be loyal to you but you’re not loyal to them.
Eventually, you are going to get bit. Sheree bit you and so did Phaedra! Stop it! Drew needs all the sisterly love that she can get right now. Going through this public mess I’m sure is not easy. You should know more than anyone so if she doesn’t want to say that she kissed Toya, okay. Everybody isn’t like you! You don’t care who knows about your sexual habits. Other people care about theirs.
This was not a good season for you and honestly, your time should be up. Either way, I wish you well because you’ll take someone’s heartache and downfall and make money off of it. All money isn’t good money. We all have to weep what we sow.
Finally everyone is seeing right thru Kandi, I was thinking that maybe Kandi and Todd asked Drew to play the lesbian, to secretly take a jab at her, why did they want Drew to play this part, I know Kandi and Todd are freaks but I believe they were sending a message.
Yes! Because she was SOOOO HURT or she say she was by the S-X Dugan storyline. But then took that on the road and profited from it. If you was truly hurt but what Phaedra and Porsha how you turn into a show. She always been messy but was very subtle with it hiding behind nene making her look like the villain. Welp she’s gone now and everyone sees you and Kenya as mean girls really.
I like Candice, she keeps herself out of bull sometimes, but if you notice Kenya socks up to Candace and she never tells Kenya she wrong! Kenya is the most irritated female I ever saw she’s very low
What a Petty Betty Kandi is. She don’t want others on her and Todd’s business but she all up in Drew’s. Talk about Gaslighting. The nastiness will not save this show.
I totally agree with all the comments about Kandi….I look at her and get the vibe that she’s the type of person u gotta watch real closely….She doesn’t like when people call her out on her BS and she will talk about everyone else business,but rarely want to speak on hers….Now I can see what Marlo was talking about when it comes to Kandi…But what I’m most wondering is….Why was it a big issue with her if Drew did kiss another woman?!?!…. It’s not her…That shouldn’t have been the main topic of the discussion….Let it go Kandi….But I’m also wondering….What about her extra bedroom activities?!?…. (Allegedly) And as for Ralph….😡😡 They need Phaedra to make an appearance to get ole Kandi upset and bothered 🤣😅😂 I would wonder how she will feel….will she feel they’re “Gaslighting” her?!?
I believe issue is Drew calling Kandi a liar. You wouldn’t that to happen to you.
I gonna have to agree Kandi dead ssa for that. I was a fan but she seem to always side against any woman that stand up to her. She did it to Phaedra, Porsha, Kenya, Drew, Sheree, Marlo. She doesn’t show loyalty to no one. We all saw on show how Ralph treated Drew. But Kandi allows her mom to dog out her husband so what do u really expect.
Then Kandi had a nerve to call Drew a h-e.
Even Cynthia Bailey coming back didn’t save this show huh
My hope is that Atlanta Housewives is ending this is the last season they are done.
There are too many classless, tacky Botches on this platform, hungry, and jealous. a
jealous women is in the same category as a woman scorned. They will do anything for a peach. HA, HA but baby the rumor is that they are dissolving RHOA, and I am glad!
Everyone seems to be so JEALOUS of Kandi. Kandi is worldwide, well known and that is a problem for these “SKANKS” THAT Bravo HAS ALLOWED ON THE SHOW
they are JUNGRY for FAME and the SPOTLIGHT, can’t none of these wannabe’s touch her. And hopefully from what I read Sheree is the first one to get the boot up her backside. Drew need to stop her LYING about TYE. I enjoyed the old cast from the beginning, but these women get’s to go. Sheree let Martell Holt make a fool out of her. She is a magnet for no good men. TO GOD BE THE GLORY
I am very disappointed in Kandi for siding with Ralph. And I don’t understand why they keep bringing up this bolo trip it’s annoying.
Kandi is intimidated by way that Todd looks at Drew (who is a very Beautiful woman) Todd dotes on Drew, he compliments her like her husband should. Kandi’s money doesn’t make her Better she still Bitter af… Kandi shouldn’t be talking about gaslighting when she’s a Pro at it. I used to love Kandi in Xscape but baby the women give us a bad name I used to think that Kenya was a rat but I honestly love her bluntness and honesty. It’s Kandi Mama Joyce got it wrong … Todd better watch his wife
Drew is a lair . Even sayna called Drew a lair.
So funny how people are seeing how Kandi is.The only thing is this season she has been dishing the dirt herself, usually DonJaun, Moma Joyce and someone else dished the dirt. Kandi feels she’s to important for the ladies to buck.
Kandi is a snake and she Better hope that Todd doesn’t do her the same way he already acts like he doesn’t want to be with her money isn’t everything just like god Blessed you with it he can take it away humble yourself
Kandi is showing the dark side of herself to the ones that always thought she was miss goodie two shoes. I was never fooled by the tears. Kenya Moore be aware in telling Kandi your business because the minute you two fallout she’s telling all of your business.