‘Basketball Wives’ Reunion: Jackie and Shaunie Clash + Clayanna Comes For Jennifer’s Fiancé

Jackie Christie Basketball Wives Season 11
Photo Credit: VH1

On the recent episode of “Basketball Wives,” the ladies reunited for a very messy reunion despite Vanessa not appearing.

Jackie gets called out by Evelyn for allegedly hating behind the scenes. She also clashes with Shaunie over being left out of the credits.

Next, Brittany calls out the cast for not playing nice during filming and calls them fake. Clayanna also accuses Jennifer’s fiancé of being a scammer.

Here’s the recap for the Basketball Wives Season 11 Reunion.

Click next for the details.

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  1. Jackie is a two faced liar. Shawnee needs to tell her her services are nolonger needed. She likes newbies so she can make herself seem like she cares. That way they will be loyal to her. Then she talks behind their backs to the OG. Jackie should have been gone.

    1. Most BBWs are career jump offs. There only claim to fame is scr*wing an athlete at some point. Talentless, mostly uneducated, ignorant, lady bullies in borrowed clothes temporarily selling themselves to the highest bidder who neither like nor respect them.

  2. Evelyn and Shaunie truly suck and they always do this whole Miami OG thing that ruins the show. They want to son the LA girls but the truth is the Miami show was CANCELED. Jackie, Draya, and Malaysia as well as the Govan sisters did what needed to be done so Evelyn and Shaunie could have a job to go to once Miami was wrapped up because they ran that platform to the ground. Why is Evelyn back anyway after she was racist and colorist in one season alone? She always fakes like she has “changed” but she goes back to her ugliness and evil ways. I can’t stand her. Team Jackie period! One of the ONLY Basketball wives!

  3. I am a loyal watcher. Hardly anything surprises me about this show…until now. Talk about being blindsided! I can’t believe they bamboozled us with the acting this season. There wasn’t a hint of real friction between Jackie and the other OGs during. Then all of a sudden, all h-ll breaks loose at the reunion! Why didn’t the producers show us the real-deal-holyfield throughout the season? That’s what we want to see! Not the OGs placing nice with each other then going all in with each other at the played-out reunion! P.S. The newbies looked very beautiful at the reunion. 🥰

  4. Shaunie and Evelyn need to humble themselves because the ratings have gone down since they’ve been back. This hasn’t been their show in years.

  5. Out of all the Miami girls, Tami was always the realest. Shaunie and Evelyn always wanted to get rid of all the LA girls, including Jackie. So this is what this is about. Jackie isn’t delusional. She can see they are icing her out of the show. But Ev and Shaunie are too cocky to see that they don’t have what it takes to carry BBW anymore. They are too unpopular and boring to do so now.

    1. I been said about Tami and she’s doing great withherown show while these people are hanging on by a THREAD!

  6. This show is messy and is going to continue to be messy. It seems like Jackie made a point about it being her show because producers let people bully people and cause them to LEAVE! Orlando isn’t any better because who knows those people. It worse to even air these shows.

  7. Evelyn will remain a p-ssy to me until she has this big bad energy with OG and Tami. She knows who to play with.

  8. Well after watching the reunion last night, I think it’s about time the show be cancelled. Honestly they OGs, as they like to be called, did treat the Newbies pretty bad. Jennifer is a trip — when the host asked her about a prenup, she said her partner has his own money. Is she that stupid or just dumb. Girl get a prenup. I’m not even sure why Evelyn is back because she was boring, Brooke is always boring, and Jennifer, is just a loosy goosy living in a dream land. I like Jackie and they have been dogging Jackie for awhile. With Jackie turning 60 it may be time for her to leave the show and just do her own thing. Getting upset with those women at her age can bring on stress and illness so she might as well say goodby and enjoy the rest of her life without the mess.

  9. Disgusting depictions of Black women. Everyone of them would still be on living in subsidized housing but for a lucky scr*w. D list HOs are Exhibit 1 for who we don’t want young women to become.

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