Selena Johnson has been a hot topic on “Belle Collective.”
“Belle Collective” star Sophia “SoGucci” Williams just wrapped up an eventful season. She clashed with Selena Johnson, JJ Williams’ ex-wife, at one of Latrice Rogers‘ events. SoGucci approached Selena and Tambra Cherie while they were in the middle of a conversation. But the only person she spoke to was Tambra. When Selena called SoGucci out for not acknowledging her, SoGucci said she didn’t have to speak to an “extra.” In response, Selena said she was on television first. And since she was also married to JJ first, SoGucci was used to coming second to her. This rubbed SoGucci the wrong way. She then threatened to throw her drink at Selena and began to walk toward her. An altercation followed.
After the tension escalated to violence, SoGucci later confirmed that she had filed charges against Selena on the show. Unsurprisingly, her decision caused more tension with JJ and Selena’s daughters. Regardless, JJ said SoGucci made the right choice. And one day the girls would understand this and the family could move forward.
All of this was addressed at the reunion. JJ’s daughters joined the stage during one segment to vent their feelings. He said he would never bring a woman around his children who would disrespect them. His daughters disagreed. And they said SoGucci has been disrespectful numerous times.
JJ accused Selena of not being there for their daughters and being more of their friend than their mother. They strongly disagreed and Carlos King felt compelled to end the segment before things worsened.
More accusations were made after JJ Williams accused Selena Johnson of being an absentee mother to their daughters.
Likely, Selena wasn’t able to tell her side of things at the reunion because of the legal moves made by SoGucci. So she took to YouTube to defend herself. And she made some accusations of her own.
She said, “Someone hasn’t gotten over the fact that I left them. Someone is trying to make my life miserable. Somebody is trying to paint this negative, bad picture of me that’s not true. Anybody can tell you how I am in real life. I’m done. I’m so done. While my ex-husband will sit and drag me in the mud, him and his wife, I’ve always protected this man’s image. When I tell you I have dealt with this, what is it, Jekyll and Hyde? You have this good person over here. That’s the person y’all see. The got darn it side, the fun side, that’s what y’all see. But me, my daughters, we know him. Y’all don’t. He’s a totally different person, he has a dark side.”
Selena added, “I had to leave JJ so many times. For cheating, for physical abuse, for verbal abuse, for mental abuse, for him being a compulsive liar, from him being a serial cheater, from him being so controlling. I just couldn’t go back.”
She also accused JJ of being very controlling.
“You would block my friends. I couldn’t even have a cell phone. He’s controlling. I wasn’t allowed a cell phone. Then you was like neither one of us gonna have a cell phone only to find out he had a cell phone. He was hiding it in his truck the whole time.”
Selena continued, “This man has always been jealous of me and my girls’ relationship.”
She also said her grandmother died and this led to her having a stroke. At this time, she asked JJ to take care of their daughters. But since she referred him and SoGucci to the show, she didn’t think he’d use the platform to allegedly defame her character.
They spend so much time talking about Cliff and Latrice when they have their own skeletons to talk about.
I’m so tired of these Ladies on these “Reality Shows” it’s ridiculous and stupid, this how they act for 💰 💰💰💰💰💰💰, not only that for these young lady to come on the show (WHY)? Selena, and her girls started out on Mississippi Dolls (Selena) messy on that show too. It’s so sad to see “Black Women”, on these reality shows to act like “Wannabes” . Here’s Marie, with a very successful business first black woman in Mississippi to have this facility, and she doesn’t get the respect from (Tamra). By the way read between the lines, Selena, auditioning for a part all about the MONEY 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
Is this Marie?? lol.
No it’s Essie 🤣
1st, I believe Selena about JJ. She would be uncomfortable around him on Dancing Dolls.
2nd, what did any of this have to do with Marie. Marie needs therapy.
Me too! He was always flirting with her and she would look so nervous. And he was with Shante then. Selena is definitely telling the truth and she was protecting him for her kids. You would think JJ and Shante would have more compassion after her son was killed and she had her strokes
Some men are very stupid. If a man wants a great relationship with his kids, he can’t continuously disrespect their mother. Kids don’t play about their moms. JJ is going to push his daughters away for good because he’s a foolish man and won’t get the help he needs mentally. Martell is the same way.
The lady on the photo looks so pretty. Her makeup and hair are everything!
It’s a shame how these black beautiful women disrespect themselves every week. I popcorn & sit & watch this BULL
Salena I was married to a devil too. Sounds like you are describing my ex. Don’t stress over him he will fall hard.