Shekinah Jo Quits ‘Love And Hip Hop’ After Her Altercation with Lyrica Anderson

Photo Credit: VH1/YouTube

Lyrica Anderson and Shekinah Jo’s feud was one most didn’t see coming.

Love And Hip Hop Atlanta” star Shekinah Jo is having an eventful season of “VH1: Family Reunion.” She managed to rub Chrissy Lampkin the wrong way earlier in the season. Chrissy didn’t like that Shekinah asked her about Teairra Mari’s legal battle with 50 Cent. Even though they did have some tension over it, Shekinah apologized. And she and Chrissy were able to move forward without any other issues. However, Shekinah has not been able to move on from her tension with Lyrica Anderson. Things went left between them instantly after seeing each other for the first time. Lyrica said hello to Shekinah with her hand out for a handshake. And Shekinah refused to shake her hand.

Shekinah later said that she didn’t want to speak to Lyrica because of an interaction they had on Instagram. Lyrica sent Shekinah a DM asking her to promote one of her songs. When Shekinah read Lyrica’s Instagram bio, she noticed the “Follow Back” prompt that shows up when someone is being followed by someone they don’t follow back. However, Shekinah mistakenly thought the prompt was Lyrica demanding that Shekinah follows her back.

Even though it was just a misunderstanding, Shekinah would later say that the Instagram mixup wasn’t the worst thing. She went on to allege that someone in Los Angeles told her that Lyrica doesn’t care for Shekinah. And Lyrica worries that Shekinah would hurt her brand from association alone.

Lyrica denied ever saying this to anyone. And she pointed out that she doesn’t really know Shekinah enough to even make that kind of statement.

Shekinah Jo thinks the editing for “VH1: Family Reunion” hasn’t been fair to her.

Well, things really escalated after Shekinah told Lyrica to be a mother to her son as well as labeling Lyrica’s mother Lyrica Garrett as a one-hit-wonder. On the recent episode, Lyrica actually slapped Shekinah over the comments. And she had no remorse either although the moment completely caught Shekinah off guard.

Shekinah talked about the altercation on Instagram Live recently. She’s not happy with the producers.

She said, “I kept asking them producers and stuff, I kept saying, ‘Whatever yā€™all do, yā€™all better show me hitting this *** back. Oh, weā€™re gonna show you Shekinah. Weā€™re gonna make sure.'”

Shekinah continued, “At the end of the day, baby Iā€™ma Black woman, living in a Black world. You cannot have this like I hit this *** back. You gon have to show me hitting this *** back. Donā€™t play with me like that. ‘Oh, we got you, we got you.’ Come on man. They ainā€™t even show that ****.”

She went on to say that Lyrica said some “degrading” things to her including telling Shekinah that she needs to go do some hair. And sheā€™s a ā€œnothing ***, bottom *** hairstylist.”

“I mean what this ***** didnā€™t say to me? They edited all that out and got me calling her momma a one-hit-wonder. Man, thatā€™s ******* up right?” Shekinah asked.

It’s time for something new for Shekinah Jo.

Shekinah also announced that she is done with “Love And Hip Hop.”

“I worked my *** off and did what I had to do. I hope I made great TV for yā€™all ’cause Iā€™m done.”

Shekinah added, “I ainā€™t playing like that. It ainā€™t right. And you donā€™t do nobody like that who really making money for you and ******* with you. You donā€™t do that to nobody, you donā€™t do **** like that. You do not ******* do that. Not when itā€™s one of your coolest people on the show like a ***** who donā€™t give you no problemsā€¦donā€™t do none of that, no you donā€™t do that to me. Not bougie, always on time. You donā€™t do that for me.”

She feels unappreciated, “I feel unappreciated and Iā€™ma take my unappreciated *** and get the **** on because I feel real unappreciated. Yeah, this is a real ******* slap to my face. Yeah, it wasā€¦cause when you think about it, something like, it was a slap. A real slap. So, it is what it is. I done been disrespected by too many people. And Iā€™m cool. Iā€™m straight. I ainā€™t nobodyā€™s do *****, I ainā€™t nobodyā€™s push around *****, I ainā€™t a **** who cares about what anybody got going on for real, for real. I do this **** for entertainment purposes. For real. But itā€™s like I beg to differā€¦Iā€™m straight.”


  1. Thank God! šŸ™„ She shouldn’t of been on the show in the first place! šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I don’t understand her purpose on the show. Go and be well hunni. šŸ˜©

  2. She’s messy and always in someones business. Focus on yourself and your success! It’s a shame Black women can’t celebrate each other and their accomplishments. But selling you soul for a dollar I guess is worth it in some cases! smh

  3. She should have never been on Love & Hip Hop in the first place. What music does she make again? Shekinah is a hairstylist who traded in hustling for her own empire for trying to be famous. Big mistake. Shekinah could have been somewhere owning multiple hair salons/spas. But she decided to run behind TI and Tiny instead and well, how did that work out? If she’s serious about quitting, good. It’s time for her to make something out of herself for real this time. Reality television should never be longterm. Only the first step. Good luck to her future pursuits. I’m glad she realized she was being used because that’s all these network heads be doing anyway.

  4. Girl bye you messy as all outdoors you better be glad Lyric was the only one able to get to you because had Akbar V been able to touch you it woulda been a whole lot worse you do a whole lotta barking with no bite

  5. Bye loud month, always worrying about someone else’s business, u should have really stayed out of Erica’s and Safaree’s business, u won’t b missed, bye bye

  6. Girl bye, you didn’t have any business on the show in the 1st place. What have you love and hip-hop? Oh hair and none of them even talk to you. MESSY since the day you arrived on the scene. Prayers for you

  7. She is loud and ghetto ASF but at least she real … She not fake on the show like most of them b-tches especially Lyrica…. like are y’all serious? šŸ˜† Lyrica a-s just as messy …they all are it’s part of the show and I can see her doing well going back to just doing hair and building that empire… Lyrica a-s has nothing with out the show and her bd… And that’s real…

    1. Lyrica didnā€™t start this so her being messy is irrelevant to the topic at hand. But since weā€™re discussing irrelevant topics, if Lyrica is nothing without A1, Shekinah is nothing without TI and Tiny. Iā€™ll be happy when you and other black people realize that being loud and ghetto isnā€™t being real. Only annoying.

      1. Lyrica knew exactly what that girl was talking about when she said Lyrica said she was bad for her brand and where it came from!. That’s why she started with all of thr explanations. Lyrica knows when yo turn on the tears and start crying divorce. She was just as loud and so called ghetto when they asked her to promote the music. After she did what was needed qll of a sudden she’s a problem. Why didn’t she walk up to her hit her straight on the same way you greeted her in peace? Oh nevermind because she’s a snake!

        1. Youā€™re the only person who believes Shekinahā€™s lies. Sheā€™s the same one who lied on people for TI and Tiny when she was doing their dirty work. If Lyrica is a snake, Shekinah is an anaconda.

  8. Glad she’s leaving. She was becoming more irritating every time she’s on a particular season. People don’t mind a good antagonist, but her messiness was just downright messy and insensitive. Find a partner to call your own or show your family and have people all up in your relationship or family biz and see how you feel about that. “Sh-t starter that’s what you are, that’s what you are!!”

  9. Used to like Shekinah when she first showed up on the show but over the years she has become an annoyance. Shekinah started nonsense with Lyrica been antagonistic & messy for no reason & I personally feel she’s lying about the reasons she angry with Lyrica. Shekinah should have got her ass beat long ago with her messy & irrelevant self.

  10. Sh-t from what 21 jump street looking at is a bunch of šŸ‚ sh-t man what y’all really
    Ng seriously, wtf y’all lookng for gossip, bullsh-t, messy ness and come on that wtf y’all looking for now y’all mad at her for calling certain mfs out and keeping it real , man wyb want PLEASE EXPLAIN IM SHANTELLE FROM OPALOCKA FLORIDA

  11. Shekinah doesn’t keep it real because she doesn’t even show or talk about her own life. All she does is gossip and talk about everyone else’s business. There’s nothing real about someone like that. She has no business being on any of these shows. She’s not a recording artist and she has no life of her own to share.

  12. These reality tv shows have no positive messages for young, black women. What I see is a bunch of black women fighting and arguing on every episode. Why do we never see positivity being displayed and true friendship. These women have no idea what true friendship means and it’s sad to watch them behave the way they do. Yes, I stopped watching all of the reality TV shows a long time ago. Just another person’s opinion.

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