Dr. Jackie Walters is receiving criticism for past comments she made about the high black maternal mortality rate.
“Married to Medicine” star Dr. Jackie Walters achieved a major career milestone during the recent episode. She spoke to Vice President Kamala Harris about the high maternal mortality rate for Black women. Ahead of their chat, Jackie told Dr. Heavenly Kimes she was very nervous about their meeting. However, the conversation was a success. In a green screen interview, Jackie said this was such a major moment. She felt like she had now “arrived.” Andy Cohen invited Jackie to “Watch What Happens Live” in honor of the big moment. Some fans took to social media to praise Jackie because they believe she is the true face of “Married to Medicine.”
Well, Jackie is currently receiving a lot of backlash on social media. Fans of the show dug up a YouTube video from a couple of years ago. In the video, Heavenly had Jackie on her channel to discuss some health topics. One of her supporters asked Jackie what was the cause of the high black maternal mortality rate.
Jackie answered:
“Now I wish we knew the answer. And I will not allow myself to say it was health disparity only. The same thing as we’re seeing with the CV, you told me we have to say…We as a race have more comorbidities. And what do you mean by that? Diabetes, hypertension, asthma…you know, things that can compound already having that. Then you turn around and get [CV] and you’re pregnant.
Then you are definitely seeing African American women with more maternity deaths.
Care is important. Crazy enough, we still see patients come into the hospital, that patient has not seen a doctor her entire pregnancy. And she comes in. Fibroids, we’re more likely to have hemorrhage or after delivery if you have fibroids. So many things go into that picture and I don’t want us to think that doctors just aren’t taking care of black women. Cause I can certainly say for the doctors at my practice and around me, we give everybody equal care.
Now I’m going to qualify this and be Dr. Heavenly for a minute. Sometimes as African American women, we’re a bit more dramatic in that you go to the doctor and complain and complain and complain, and you’re not taken serious because you cried wolf the entire pregnancy.
As African American women, we wanna also make sure you’re being serious with your doctor and not playing the game so I can take you off work because then we see you 25 times in the pregnancy. It’s hard to believe there’s a true problem when there’s a true problem.”
Buffie Purselle had something to say.
Fans took to the internet to slam Jackie over these comments. They believe mindsets like this are harmful and the biggest cause of so many deaths.
Interestingly enough, Buffie Purselle addressed the video hours ago. She said she lost an aunt because her black female doctor didn’t listen to her when she said she was in pain while pregnant.
I already said how problematic Jackie’s comments were when this happened in 2020. Jackie is anti black often and the biggest mean girl on that platform. I was disgusted seeing her speak to Kamala because these comments were at the back of my mind. A black doctor saying this only harms black people who seek medical treatment. Jackie is not a good person and that needs to be acknowledged more.
Queen, I said this from the very beginning, she is extremely bias and judgemental. Her weight fixation is borderline harassment and the Buffie episode revealed her true self. I would never seek care from a practitioner like her. She wants to appear as an expert in her field, but her level of expertise appears to be quite rudimentary at best.
Jackie may have felt that way 2 years ago now she have learned more and her opinion have changed. We all (or should) grow and learn daily. What is the big deal how she felt two years ago. This is a very important topic and all women in child bearing years should listen and get all the info they can so they can have a healthy child. That is all that matter not what she said two years ago. Stop being petty what she is doing is real the show is what it is a show for our entertainment. I look at the show and like it my favorite but do I care if Quad is booted off no, do I care that Heavenly is a shXX starter no. It is entertainment people.
The big deal is thinking like that might had cause someone to loss their life or baby and we don’t know how long she had feelings like that. We just heard about it but we don’t know how long she might had practice that way.💯💯
A doctor should never talk like this. But this is the same Jackie who shamed a black woman about her weight while they were bowling. She didn’t even know the woman. Jackie is given a pass because a lot of black people have the same racist outlook on black people.
Shayla, I never forgot that episode and all creditability was gone from that point.
Mariah tried to tell folks about Jackie. She has never fooled me.
I remember when Jackie made the comment that black women complain to much in the doctor’s office, made fun the others weight. Jackie was also the one who in the beginning didn’t want Quad as put of cast. Jackie has always been undercover messy and mean.
Mariah and Buffie Pursell peeped Jackies low down slick mouth long time ago. Jack jaw Jackie said that Mariah was like herpes…I lost every bit of respect for her with that comment and when she didn’t want to look at the multiple test Mariah did to prove she didn’t do drugs like Quad the Fraud alleged. She has an air about her thatstinks to me. Brings nothing to the show ever. So busy slighting the other ladies didn’t see a 7 foot husband slippin and slidin at the Hilton. Curtis came back for the strippers Bachelor party then wasn’t there for the wedding.